Chapter 1 - Thrown Through Time

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Author's Note: Just so it's clear from the start, the first scene is going to be with Jedi Anakin thrown into the Sith reality, and the second will be with Sith Anakin into the main reality, and it's gonna alternate, so hopefully no one will get confused. :D 

~ Tirana Sorki

This is for the Obikin 2023 bingo. ^-^

PS. This will be updated every week. :)

~ Amina Gila

Sith Reality

The Force feels... wrong. It's the first thing Anakin realizes even before he opens his eyes and consciousness slowly fades back in. It feels dark. So dark that the sensation is enough to take his breath away. It's – what in the galaxy happened?

A familiar presence brushes against his, and Anakin looks up from where he lies on the ground – he was knocked out in an explosion, he thinks – spotting the figure instantly. Except... instead of the brilliant light in his padawan's presence, she feels dark. It's not like she was on Mortis, either. It's something entirely different.

"Master, are you alright?" she asks, crouching beside him. The golden of her eyes freezes him in place, an icy dread washing over him.

"Wh – Ahsoka, are you – what's happening?" He pushes himself upright, looking wildly across the battlefield.

"Why are you..." Ahsoka frowns. "Why can't I feel the Dark Side in you?"

"Why do I feel it in you?" he retaliates, scrambling to his feet and backing away. This feels like something out of one of his worst nightmares. Maybe it is, but the darkness in the Force is too real.

He senses the concern pouring off her in waves. "I don't understand, Master," she admits.

Anakin's gaze is drawn to where his lightsaber hilt lies on the ground and calls it to him with the Force. The kyber crystal in it feels strangely wrong, as if it's crying. Oh, no. Hesitantly, he ignites it, flinching when a blood-red plasma blade shoots out the end. "Why's it red?" Anakin blurts out half hysterically. "It's supposed to be blue!"

"Blue?" Ahsoka asks, her expression one of almost-disgust. "Don't be silly, Master. Blue is a Jedi's color."

"You're a Sith?"

"Master, are you alright?" Her yellow eyes are filled with a mixture of confusion and concern.

"No!" he exclaims frantically. He's never been so lost and confused in his entire life. Is he dreaming? "What in the name of the Force is going on here?!"

"A battle?" she asks, eyeing him. "You were knocked out in the explosion. You know what? I'll just call Lord Kenobi."

"WHAT?" Anakin all but screams.

His not-padawan spares him a curious glance, pressing a button on her comm. "Lord Kenobi, something's happening to Anakin. You might want to get over here."

The very familiar voice crackles over her comm with an, "I'll be on my way", but something about his presence, too, is wrong. It feels dark. Obi-Wan's never dark, and – and if Ahsoka is a Sith, and he might be too, and where in the world is he? This isn't the galaxy Anakin knew, and it's not where he belongs. It's... a different reality?

He only has a few minutes to ponder it, during which Ahsoka studies him warily, before Obi-Wan arrives. He's dressed in black, which looks jarringly out of place. What hits him hardest is the darkness swirling around him, in stark contrast to the light Anakin is so used to. And his eyes are golden.

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