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I arrived at school afew minute before the final bell went. Carl, Nick and Debbie stood next to me as i looked at the disgusting hell of a building.

"Fuck" I sighed before walking up the stairs and inside

We walked inside and a-few people looked over at us but most didn't notice.
I used to be pretty well known by the kids around here, especially after i was arrested and it didn't help that Carl got arrested too.

"I'll see you late" Debbie said smiling at me before walking down the right corridor

"So do you actually go to lessons or just hangout being 'White boy Carl'?" I asked smiling at Carl

"Shut up" He said smirking at me

A girl spotted Carl from the lockers and approached us, she smiled at Carl before giving me a strange almost disgusted look. I brushed it off because I had just got outta Juvvie and she seemed to be Carls mate.

"Hey Carl" She smiled sweetly

"Yo whats up?" He asked looking her up and down in her ,defiantly violating like 4 dress codes, outfit of short jean shorts, a spaghetti strapped pink tshirt and a black handbag over her shoulder.

"Nothing much...Just wondering if your coming to science later" She smiled not being able to keep eye contact

"Dunno" Carl shrugged looking over at Nick "We going?" He asked him

Nick shrugged at Carl before Carl looked back at the girl

"Whos your friend?" The girl asked looking me up and down with a disgusted and annoyed look on her face.

"This is Tori" Carl said gesturing towards me

"Oh cool.." The girl said side eyeing me

"We gotta go get Tori signed in" Carl said before walking away with me and Nick down the Left corridor

"Okay who the fuck was that?" I asked looking back at her as she stared at me

"Her names Keira, Shes in our science" Carl said as we walked towards the front office

"She definitely wants to suck you off" I remarked as we turned a corner

"I know its great" Carl laughed as we opened the door to the office

I walked up to the large wooden desk, the women behind it turned to face me as she looked up from her computer.

"How can I help?" She asked me

"I need to get a schedule" I said to her

"Mr Gallagher, why aren't you in lesson?" She asked Carl as she typed on her computer

"Im helping my twin to class" He said irritated

"I see, you must be Victoria Gallagher" The women said looking at me again, this time closer

"Another one of Franks fucked sperm" I smiled at her

"Poor you, Here" She said handing me my schedule

"Cheers" I nodded as we walked out

My first 3 classes were boring as ever, i sat there doing fuck all and everyone stared at me while the teachers exclaimed about having another Gallagher to teach.
I think it started to get around that I was in school and the whole Juvie for 4 years thing because at break everyone was whispering and stating at me.

I spotted Debbie in the hallway and approached her, she smiled as she saw me.

"Hows it going?" She asked me

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