Living Hell

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【 Warning: Might edit the end some】

Jean leaned up against a tree on the edge of the training camp territory. The sun was sinking below the horizon bleeding out red onto the ground like blood.

Images flashed.

Two twins, a boy and a girl snatched up right as they were reaching there mother. Thrown into the mouth of a Titan, gray hair reaching it's shoulders, greasy. Blood shot down on the mother, and spread across the Titan's permanent smile that stretched up to his ears.

Crows cawed in a high-pitched screech.

Jean flinched, the mother's scream of despair ringing in his ears as she fell to the ground in a sobbing mess. She gave up, lying on the dirt waiting for the Titan to eat her. She wanted to be with her kids even if that meant in the stomach of a Titan. She looked like a ragged doll, pale as if all the life had been sucked out of her, being raised to the same Titan's mouth. She smiled sadly as the Titan's yellow teeth crashed down onto her skull.

Jean clenched his fist, spinning around punching the tree repeatedly.


A scream.

A punch.


A shower of blood.

A punch.

"Titans!" He yelled up at the bleeding sky.

Another punch, as death flashed before his eyes, a crack sounding from his fist.

Pain shot from his hand up his arm. "Shit!" Jean said looking down to see his fist bruised and bloody. "Broke my fucking fist, God damnit!" His teeth clenched as he punched the tree again, not caring wether or not he broke the other or hurt the already broken one even more.

Jean punched until blood was dripping off his hands and onto the green grass below him. Alive. Unlike all the people they didn't save today.

How many people could he have saved if he hadn't broken. If he hadn't ran away like a scared little boy from some bullies. What if he had stayed? How many people would still be alive because of him? What kind of soldier was he?

Jean sunk down beside the tree, staring off in the distance, his golden eyes glazed over with an emptiness. Feeling blank. Numb. Nothing.

He was a shell, just lying there being kicked and shoved where ever. A shell of the arrogant, lazy and half-assed person he use to be. Not that that person was any better. But at least that person did something now and then. At least that person had the intention to save people, even if he was planning on saving himself too, becoming a military police. This person, the one Jean had become, however, just wanted out. He just wanted out of this living hell.

Jean's face fell down into his hands, blood drying on his knuckles.

Footsteps coming from behind him are muffled in his ears. A warm hand shakes his shoulder. Jean's eyes widen as he throws a punch into the person stomach.

Jean hears a shark intake of breath, and he turns around to see a freckled boy grasping his stomach.

"Oh, shit! I'm sorry, Marco, I didn't know it was you. I'm a fucking idiot." Jean says rapidly, eyes wide and regretful.

Marco laughs awkwardly, the laugh tinged with the pain he was feeling. "Quite a arm you got there, Jean," Marco says with a smile, his eyes crinkled closed.

"Yeah, I guess," Jean says turning away, and looking back to the setting sun.

"Jean, have you been crying?" Marco's worried voice asks. Jean's hand shoots up feeling his cheeks to find them damp.

Damn it, Jean thought as he rapid wiped his cheeks.

"No, of course not. Crying is for some little wuss like Armin. (A/n: Jk, jk. I love you Armin. [hugs Armin]. That's just meany old Jean the horse's opinion. Me on the other hand, I think it shows empathy and kindness, and that you have a soft heart.) It probably just sprinkled rain and it got on my face. I must have not have noticed," Jean says with a shrug.

Marco sits next to Jean their shoulders brushing as he looks at him, concern shining is his big brown eyes. Jean's heart clenches, half with sadness half with anger. (A/n: I am so done with myself! Too many Marco jokes when I don't even mean to write them. T^T) The half with sadness hated seeing the worry for him in his beautiful brown eyes, and always wanted him to have the bright contagious smile Jean had known and grown to love. The other half was the prideful side of him. The one who hated when people pitied and worried for him. The one who hated weakness.

"Jean, there haven't been any clouds in the sky today. You can let your guard down with me, or I at least hope you can," Marco says. "I hope you can trust me because I trust you. I know you'd never let me down. If I was in trouble you'd help me. If I was in danger of dying when we're fight Titans, you'd save me. I have no doubt in my head that you, Jean Kirschtein, will never let me down. No matter what you think of yourself in your head, I know the real Jean Kirschtein, the brave and reliable Jean. He's the one I've grown to be best friends with."

Jean flinches at his words. "That's the thing, Marco!" Jean snaps. "I wouldn't save you. I'd freeze. I'd run away like the fucking coward I am. I'm not brave or reliable, I'm selfish. Why else would I be joining the Military Police? While you, you Marco, are joining the Scouting Legion. To gather information on the Titans and to protect people."


Jean laughs and says, "And the funny thing is I don't even think I want to join the Military Police anymore. I just want out. Out of this Hell that we're all living."

Marco stares at the side of Jean's face. How dark circles had appeared under his eyes and his golden hues didn't hold their normal arrogance. Marco's heart tightened at Jean's state. Despite Jean being an unbearable arrogant asshole, Marco had fallen for horse-like boy.

"You want to know something else, Marco?" Jean asks, turning to face the freckled boy for the first time since he started talking. Marco stares into Jean's eyes waiting for him to continue. "I'm not scared of dying. I'm scared of you dying. Because of me especially."

"Jean - I -" Marco stutters.

"Shut up freckles," Jean says with a laugh, his eyes sparkling with determination. "You've made me realize something."

"I-I didn't even say much-"

"I'm joining the Scouting Legion with you."

"W-what?!" Marco asks eyes wide.

"I've thought it over and maybe it'll help me become braver, reliable and stronger. Maybe it can make me live up to your expectations. And then I'll be able to save your ass if I needed to!" Jean says, his arrogant smile back on his face.

A smile stretches across Marco's face. Marco leans forward and kisses Jean on the lips. Marco's eyes close, as Jean's widen in shock. The freckled boy pulls back as he realizes what he is doing.

"Sorry, sorry. I don't know what- sorry." Marco says rapidly, blushing bright red. "Shit." Marco mumbles then slaps a hand over his mouth.

Jean chuckles. "I just might be rubbing off on you, Marco Bodt," Jean says. Jean grabs the collar of Marco's shirt and kisses him.

Maybe Jean could survive this living Hell after all.

A/n: Oh my gosh it's done!! I'm so sorry if you don't like the ending too much, since it seems kinda rushed to me. Also, sorry if the ending is a little OOC. At least, I think it sounds a little OOC. I might be wrong. I had this whole thing written a while back, but it was absolutely awful! This is the rewritten version, and whilst it isn't perfect, I think it's a lot better than the last one. Well! I hope you guys enjoy, and can some people PLEASE REQUEST! I only have so many ideas! XD

If you don't want to message me I'll be fine with you commenting it. I just would really love some requests.

Thanks for reading!

I love you all my lovely readers~! ☆〜(ゝ。

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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