That's My Price

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Sun shines through the window of the cabin, causing Marco's eyes to flutter open from the blinding light. He rubs his eyes getting, the sleep out of them. Marco goes to sit up only to find himself pulled back down by an arm wrapped around his waist. Jean . . ., Marco thought with a small smile.

Marco pushes Jean's hair back out of his face, and Jean's nose wrinkles as he does. Marco lets out a small giggle - yes, a giggle - at the adorableness of him. God, he's so adorable, Marco thinks.

Marco lets out a sigh as he tries to pry Jean's arm off his torso. As much as he wanted to stay in bed snuggling with Jean all day they had training to do.

Marco finally manages to get Jean's arm off of him, and stands up noticing the only one up besides him was Armin. He was sitting next to Eren's bed reading a book already in his uniform, which didn't suprise Marco at all. He flashes Armin a quick smile before heading off to the showers.

Marco always took his showers in the morning, they helped him wake up. After quickly showering, Marco jumps out to get dressed. He was dreading waking up Jean. Not only because he was adorable when he slept, but he could honestly be, well, an asshole in the mornings. Even if Marco was the one waking up the testy morning person.

Marco almost falls as he tries to pull on his boots quickly. He catches himself on the wall, and winces as pain stabs through the arm he landed on. That's gonna leave a bruise.

Why is he rushing if he's dreading waking Jean up? He doesn't want Eren being the one to wake him up.

If Eren gets to Jean first he'd probably be woken up by a pail of water in the face. Next thing you know, Eren gets thrown into the wall, and is getting punched in the stomach multiple times. This always ends up into a full out brawl, in which Armin and Marco have to break up. Marco didn't want to deal with that this morning, or any morning really.

Marco fininshes getting dressed and rushes back to the cabin, hoping to see Eren still sound asleep in his bed.

The cabin door swings open letting Marco see the last thing he wanted to. Eren smirking by Jean and Marco's bed a bucket of water in his hand. "Eren!" Marco heard Armin whisper yell trying not to wake Jean. Marco rushes towards the bed trying to get there before Eren does anything he'll get punched for. If I can get there before he dumps the water on him I could talk him out of it. Yeah, that's going to work. Not like Eren's as stubborn as a bull.

Water splashes down on Jean's sleeping figure. Marco and Armin freeze part out of dread and part out of 'not this again'. His eyes snap open seeing Eren above him with the bucket. "You better fucking run, Jeager," Jean says leaping out of the bed.

"I'm so scared, horse face," Eren fires back.

Eren gets a good punch in the stomach. Eren groans grabing his stomach. Jean fires another punch at his jaw, and Eren gets a good hit on the side of Jean's face. Jean's golden eyes darken in anger, and goes to deliver another punch to him, but a hand grabs his fist before it increases it's speed.

Jean snaps out of his blind rage, his eyes shifting over to meet the cool dark brown ones of the person who caught his fist.

"Jean, please calm down. It's too early in the morning to do this," Marco says. Jean's eyes soften as just the sight of Marco calms him down.

Jean takes a few deep breaths as he slowly calms down. "Okay," is all Jean says. Marco nods and gives Jean a bright smile.

Marco feels a warm pair of lips on his, and his eyes snap open seeing Jean's closed eyes. He blushes furiously. Sure, him and Jean had kissed before, but Jean said he wasn't comfortable letting everyone know yet, so this came as a suprise to him.

Jean's arms wrapped around Marco's waist bringing him closer as if to say, it's okay. Marco relaxes and melts into the kiss. His arms wrap around Jean's neck, his eyes fluttering close.

Jean smirks into the kiss and deepens the kiss. Marco pulls him even closer, and gasps slightly as he feels Jean's tongue slide across his lower lip. He blushes even more. His kisses with Jean had always been just loving pecks on the lips up until now. Not that Marco had a problem with what was happening. Just as Marco was about to let him in Jean pulls away smirking at the flushed Marco.

"That's my price for calming down, Bodt," Jean says.

"I'm okay with that."


A/N: Okay, so that was my first JeanMarco one-shot. Um, was it any good? Sorry if it wasn't. Uh... [awkwardly rubs the back of my neck] Um, so, thoughts?

Jean's not always going to be the one kissing Marco first and making him all flustered. Sometimes it will be Marco making Jean flustered, sometimes it will be Jean making Marco flustered, like this one.

Feel free to point out mistakes. I learn from them. Feel free to request if you like my writing. Oh, and feel free to comment, vote and comment. I'm hesitant to publish this, but let's see how it goes!

Jean x Marco One-Shots (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now