Freckles and a Coffee

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A/N: Okay, I kinda just realized that my first one-shot is short. Like really short. So this is going to be an attempt of a longer one. ^-^ By the way this is an AU where Jean works in a coffee shop and Marco is a constant costumer.

By the way, the picture to the side has nothing to do with this one-shot I just like it!


Jean's fingers tapped absent mindedly on the black granite coffee counter at the coffee shop he worked at, Kathy's Koffee. Yeah, it was spelt that way, which Jean thought was utterly stupid.

His eyes where trained on the door waiting for a certain freckled someone - Marco he found out his name was - to come in ordering his usual white chocolate mocha. Marco came to Kathy's at least every morning before going what Jean thought was college. Still having that sleepy look on his face, but he was always smiling that adorable smile of his.

That's when Jean felt some one leaning over his shoulder breaking him out of his thoughts. He knew right away who it was. The same hyperactive girl who would always sneak food out of the display case and eat it for herself.

"What do you want, Sasha?" Jean snaps at her, glaring out of the corner of his eyes.

"Oh, nothing. I was just wondering if you're waiting to the Marco?" She asks.

"The Marco?" Jean asks raising an eyebrow to her in question, his face practically screaming 'really, Sasha, really?' She just nods. "What's that suppose to mean?" He snaps at her his golden eyes glaring ice at her.

"You know the one guy who always comes in here during the morning. The adorable smile and freckles. He's a few inches taller than you, dark brown hair matching his dark eyes," Sasha explains ending it with an exasperated sigh. But she was smirking with mischief all the same. The classic Sasha look. Besides her drooling over food all the time, especially potatoes.

Jean crosses his arms across his chest trying to fight the urge to cuss her out, and to control his anger. As always, Jean's anger snapped. "I don't know what you're talking about potatoe eater. I don't know a Marco, now fuck off." Nice save, Jean, she'll totally believe that, he thinks bitterly,

"Really? So you won't freak out if I told you he's walking over here," Sasha says before skipping off somewhere. Probably to snatch some more snacks while Jean was busy.

Jean's eyes whipped over to the door of the coffee shop. Sure enough Marco is walking towards the door a smile plastered on his face. Jean's own lips start to twitch up into a smile, but it looks more like a smirk on him than Marco's happy, adorable one.

Once entering the coffee shop he comes over to the counter where Jean is. "The usual? A white chocolate mocha?" Jean asks the taller boy.

"Yeah, that would be great, thanks!" Marco said cheerfully. He sends Jean a thankful smile, and Jean can't help but notice his eyes closing at the force of the smile. Not in the fake kind of smile way though. If you looked up a picture of adorable I bet you would see a picture of Marco there, Jean thought as he went to tell Sasha Marco's order.

"No problem, Marco." Jean calls the order over to Sasha, and she send a nod over to him before going to fix it.

"I can't believe you still remember my name," Marco says rubbing the back of his neck in an awkward fashion.

"How could I not? You come here almost every day. Plus I'd recognize those cute little freckles anywhere," Jean says smirking at the freckled boy. Jean brain stops suddenly as he realizes what he just said. Shit, Jean thinks, mentally slamming his face into a wall of bricks.

To his surprise Marco just blushes, his face turning a beautiful red color. Jean manages to keep the cocky smirk on his face, even though he was getting a bit cocky because of Marco's blushing.

"I-" the dark eyed boy desperately searched for words, but couldn't find any. Instead, he stuck to staring at the ground, trying to hide his tinted cheeks.

Jean frowns noticing the end of the conversation, and glances over at Sasha making the other boy's coffee, grinning like an idiot.


Jean's head jerks back over the the taller boy in front of him. "For what?" Jean questions.

"T-the complement," Marco stutters.

The corner of Jean's lips twitches up into a half smile as he says, "No problem, it's the truth."

Marco's own lips turn up into his own cute little smile, making Jean melt like putty in his hands. Marco looks as if he is going to say something when Sasha bounces up to Jean.

"Jean~! Here's the coffee you asked for!" She squeals and scurries of with a smirk on her face. Jean narrows his eyes at this act, but shrugs it off his attention falling back on the boy in front of him.

"Here ya go, Marco," Jean says flashing him a smile, holding the cup out to him.

"Thanks, see you tomorrow!" Marco says taking the cup then turning to walk towards the door.

"Yeah! See ya then," Jean replies.

"Oh, I like your eyes by the way," Marco says not even turning around to see Jeans reaction.

Jean watches the freckled boy leave the coffee shop his face red as a tomato. Did that...just...happen?


Marco walks out of the shop his coffee warming his hands, still blushing from the encounter with the very cute barista. He felt terrible that he didn't know his name, yet the hazel eyed boy knew his.

Marco let out a sigh bring the warm coffee to his lips. He looks down noticing something written in sharpie on the cup.



His number, and - Jean? Is that French? Marco thought smiling to himself.


Jean turns around and sees Sasha laughing her ass off, leaning over the counter. Jean's eyes narrow.

"What the hell is so funny, Sasha?" Jean asks.

Sasha takes a minute to compose herself before turning to him. "Well, Kirschstein, I'm guessing you didn't even glance at that cup, huh? Too busy looking at the freckled hunk in front of you?" Sasha smirks as she says this.

Jean's face turns bright red from either anger or embarressment; probably both. "What the f-" but Sasha cuts him off. "Now, now, Jean, language."

"Whatever. What did you do you, dumb ass?" Jean asks, crossing his arm over his chest.

"I wrote something on his cup. Your number," Sasha says. Jean's jaw drops. He stutters to find words, but Sasha says something before he does. "Hopefully he'll text or call you, and you two will start dating. It's obvious you like him, and that he likes you."

With that Sasha walks away leaving an angry and flustered Jean behind.


A/N: Okay, so, I kinda left the ending up to you. Like what Marco texts and if Jean responds, if Jean kills Sasha, and so on. [Laughs]

I did get this off a piece of fan art I found, so if the fan art was based off a another fan fiction please tell me so I can delete this. I don't want to copy anyone. Please don't rage on me if it is another fan fiction.

Thanks! Hope you enjoyed it! Love you all my readers!!

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