I'm Home

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just a pre-warning so you don't get confused later on, in your universe time goes by faster than everyone else's it's not like the days are shorter but time is different in your universe.

as I fall through the open area of the crossing in between dimensions. I can't help but feel bad for Miles, I didn't want to leave. What if he got killed? I would blame myself so much. I wouldn't even know if he was ok. As I come out of my thoughts I realize the portal to my world is almost here, I can see it getting bigger as I get closer. I go through the portal and land on top of a roof in Queens. I wonder what I missed while I was gone for a day or two. I step away from the ledge and jump down into an ally beside the building. I take off my mask and stuff it in my pocket.

I walk out from the ally and start walking back to my house oh god my uncle Mark is going to be so worried. Shit, Harry, my bestfriend is going to be so worried especially since he's texting me right now. before I turn on my phone I can see my reflection and damn, my face has blood all over it, bruises and not to mention the broken nose still, I'll have to put it in place.


Harry: hey wanna hang out this weekend?

Harry: text me when your phones charged I'm starting to get worried

Harry: I called mark he doesn't know where you are either did you run away?

Harry: if something happened you can tell me you just need to come back

Harry: people are starting to ask about you and I don't know what to tell them, it would be great if you could tell me

Harry: there's a missing persons thing out for you I hope you're ok

Harry: nobody not even the police have anything.

Harry: I need you to come back

Harry: Nova even the bullies are worried about you.

Harry: please at least tell me you're ok

Harry: Happy Birthday

Harry: Merry Christmas

Harry: it's been months come back please.

Fuck. oh no. I put my phone in my pocket and start to walk faster. no. this can't be happening. I was only gone for a day or two. as I keep walking I see missing persons posting with me on them. I go into an ally and put on my mask again. I climb up the buildings wall and start swinging as fast as I can to get to my apartment. What am I going to tell them? I can't say I was in a different universe! they'll think I'm crazy!

no. no. no. no. this can't be happening. there-there's no way I've been gone for months. I just left!

I start to think of things that I could tell them that are believable. Maybe I was Kidnapped! yeah that could work. but then the police would get involved and I'd have to make up a story. Shit that won't work. I arrive at my apartment and I go into the ally and take off my mask. I then run into the building and run up to my room where Mark and Harry should be. I pull the key out of my pocket which I'm surprised didn't fall out and I walk in the apartment. I don't see anyone but I hear quick steps. My uncle rounds the corner and stops in his tracks, he drops the baseball bat he was holding and runs up to me. he pulls me in a hug with a hand on the back of my head and the other one squeezing me close. I hug him back and I feel a couple tears drop from my eyes, and from the breathing I hear from Mark he is too.

"I thought I would never see you again" He says through heavy breathing.

"I'm here it's ok" I say back. "as the why I was gone-"

"It doesn't matter as long as you're back" he says quickly. phew.

"is Harry here?" I ask as we pull away.

"yeah he's sleeping right now. he missed you a lot"

Mark and I walk into his room and I lean down over him and shake his shoulder.

"harry" I whisper. Harry lived with me because he was an orphan just like me until my uncle came to pick me up, I wouldn't leave without Harry. So he took us both in. My uncle and I are both Latino while Harry is probably English or something like that. he never met his parents so he doesn't know.

Harry starts to stir and you see his eyes are tear stained as well as his pillow case. he turns over with his eyes closed.

"not now Mark" he groans.

"Harry" say a little louder this time. he sits up and I back up as he was going to hit me in the head, he opens his eyes after rubbing them with his hands. he looks at me and his jaw drops.

"what happened to you?! are you ok?!" Harry asks hurriedly and I cut him off with a hug. I tuck my head into his shoulder as we're around the same height and he wraps his arms around me extremely tight.

"I'm ok" I whisper in his ear.

"thank god" he whispers back.

for the rest of the night he and Mark catch me up on what's been going on. they call the police department and let them know I was found and ok, enough. We play games for the rest of the night and they go to bed.

I stay up and have a shower. as I'm having a shower I notice a lot of blood coming off of me. as I look in the mirror I noticed 100s of bruises. the most noticeable one is the one that goes from my lower abdomen up to my chest from when Kingpin slammed me into the ground repeatedly. there's a ton of small and large bruises everywhere all over my body. as I turn around to check my back I see a bruise that starts at my lower back and goes up to the right still covering over half of my back and it trails up my scalp where I can't see anymore cause of my hair. That was from when Kingpin slammed his fists into my back and skull. My face defiantly looks bad. the bruise from my back that went up to my scalp must've gotten all the way to my forehead because coming out from my hairline was bruising. My cheekbones are black from bruising and my jaw has a line of bruising over the entire thing and expanding down the right side of my neck. my lip is split on the top and bottom lip. I have a black eye and my nose is still crooked. I notice none of my bruises are yellow or brown their all black and dark purple from extremely hard hits. I also notice that I have electrocute scars on my hands going up my arms and they join in the middle of my chest, they look like lightning bolts. If I wasn't bitten by that spider I would be dead. I would've been dead the first hit I got from the scorpion.

The one thing that sucks is I have to go to school tomorrow. Mark tried to talk me out of it but I don't want to fail the 9th grade. I won't have to do 1st semester's exams because I would be passing anyway even if I failed the exams. and I bet the teachers will be fine with it since I was literally missing. Harry told me that we both have the same schedule so that's good. I need to spend time with him now more than ever. I get dressed in PJ's and go to bed.

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