Gym class

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As we get to gym class everyone's already heard about me being back still some people whisper looking at me and take photos thinking I don't see them. When the bell rings everyone goes to the middle of the gym where the gym teacher Mr. Chatz calls us over.

"Today we're going to start off with a couple games like dodgeball, volleyball, and at the end we're going to be climbing the rope." Mr. Chatz tells us.

practically everyone groans and complains about the rope except for the couple of really cocky dudes.

"you'll have to carry me home after that." Harry states to me.

"you'll be fine." I remind him.

"if you say so," He complains

we start of with dodgeball and we're given captains and of course one of them was the cocky kid and of course he picks all the good players and all the guys. since this is 9th grade people who don't want to do gym are in the class, and of course we got them. So basically they will 'try' not to get hit and sit down for the rest of the game. meanwhile the others that are fine with gym class and just aren't very good at it will get murdered in dodgeball. especially because none of us have a throwing arm.

I take off my jacket and make sure my bruises are still covered enough for me too. As the gym teacher blows his whistle I'm the only one that runs to the middle to try and get the balls as everyone else on my team is trying to figure out how to dodge everything. After I run back to my team running backwards so they can't sneak up on me without me seeing. I only have two dodgeballs and just after I got back to Harry half of the team is already down. People are trying to line up behind the people who are down to try and hide but the other team is throwing the balls on an angle causing all of them to get hit. Harry and I are aimed at a couple of times but I either catch the ball or pull Harry out of the way.

Wow having a spider sense really helps in dodgeball. There's 3 of us left Harry, a random girl trying to hide behind her friends and me. meanwhile their whole team is still up. great. I give Harry one of my dodgeballs to hold and I get ready to throw it.

"look she thinks she can throw" one of the boys laugh.

I throw it directly at his chest and it made a 'whip' noise as it passed my ear. He doubles over when it hits him. The other guys start to throw again but they run out of dodgeballs as their all on my side.

I go to the one side of the gym so I can quickly throw them all and hopefully get them down before they can retaliate. I start to throw them making sure to not hit their head because they'll complain saying it was a cheap shot. I make my way to the other side of my teams side throwing all the balls hitting every last guy. When I get to the end there's only one guy left as I've run out.

He picks up a ball and throws it my way whipping it. I put my hand up and catch it right in front of my face. causing him to be out.

I walk up to Harry as protests come form the other side like 'she's cheating' and 'that's not fair'.

"holy shit!" Harry exclaims as I high-five him. "that was awesome!"

"seems like the tables have turned in the last minute guys." Mr. Chatz exclaims surprisingly.

"volleyballs next! set up the court!" Mr. Chatz yells "same teams too!,"

the half that just lost groans. one of the kids from the other side says they can trade in a kid from their side to get me. I can hear him pleading for the teacher to do it with my sensitive senses.

After the court is set up I call my team to the side I'm on.

"does anyone here know how to volley?" three kids raise their hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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