first day back

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When I wake for school I get dressed and throw on my purple jacket. When I walk into the kitchen ready to get something small to eat I notice Mark is standing over the stove. I notice he's making breakfast wraps. He turns around and notices me.

"I put hash brown, egg, and sausage in here. That ok?" He asks turning back to the stove.

"yeah totally fine." I say as I sit down at the table and go on my phone. I watch the news and don't find much. other than people reposting that I wasn't in fact missing anymore. Then I see something that interests me, someone posted a photo of me swinging in the air trying to get home.

Mark turns around with a plate and a wrap on it.

"you sure you're ok? you have bruises everywhere" He says staying calm but as his face contorts as he looks at you and how is heart is beating fast out of worry you can tell he's trying to be strong for you.

"it doesn't hurt much it just looks bad." I saw shrugging my shoulders. total lie, as I shrug my shoulders there's immense pain, as I walk I could just collapse from pain. The bruises didn't heal much. only the small ones about the size of a grape were faded. My speed healing can't keep up with everything that's happened to my body. It doesn't help that I probably have a couple fractured bones, a few broken ribs and a fractured skull. oh well. time to fake it.

I finish the wrap and notice Harry's still not up. First I go to my room and cake of make-up trying to cover the bruises covering my arms, neck, face, and not to mention the lightning scars on my arms. Hopefully I don't sweat too much because this make-up is not waterproof. I make sure that my big shirt doesn't expose my stomach or back because I didn't cover those up.

I walk out of my room and into Harry's room where he's still sleeping.

"harry" I shake him. he slowly opens his eyes and turns on his back,

"what?" he asks grumpily.

"you got to get ready for school." I saw and he sits up.

"I thought I said you shouldn't go. you just got back!" He raises his voice and starts scratching his neck out of anxiety.

"hey. it's ok. we have all the same classes together right? so I'll be with you the whole time. I'm not leaving" I say and he nods. "get dressed I don't want to be late."

I walk out of his room and back into the kitchen making sure I have everything in my backpack. I wear my hair down because of the bruise going up my neck. I did try to cover it but it didn't work. my face all around has small discoloration from the bruises as they are all pitch black. I throw my shoes on and wait.

I check my watch and see we have 5 minutes to leave when Harry comes out with his back pack in hand and grabs a bagel. he shoves the bagel in his mouth and puts on his backpack and puts his shoes on. He then holds the bagel with his hands and we leave after saying bye to Mark.

"what happened to the bruises?" Harry asks.

"well they were mostly dirt so when I had a shower it looked a lot better, and I used some make-up" I lie. some make-up would be a large understatement.

"oh" He breaths out. He starts eating his bagel as we are about a block away from the school. There's and awkward silence the rest of the way. but as we approach the school other walking students start to look at me or point at me so their friend can see what their talking about. Just before we got inside the doors Spencer Collin walks in front of me. Spencer was the school bully, he always picked on me and Harry more though.

"what do you want?" I ask in a monotone voice. he's probably going to say 'I need a punching bag' or 'I need some nerd to do my homework'

"I just wanted to say I'm glad your back. everyone was worried about you." He answers. well took a change of style. he's never said anything nice to me ever.

"uh, thanks," I say confused. he then walks away leaving me and Harry on our way. "that was weird" I say to Harry.

"I told you they were worried about you." He answers.

"so what class do we have first?" I ask trying to avoid all the stares I'm getting.


"well that's going to be fun," I say sarcastically.

As we walk into class the warning bell rings. Harry sits down in the back of the class and I sit next to him. as students file in she notices me.

"Nova?" she asks. all the students look back at me. "when did you get back?" She asks as if I just left on vacation.

"last night." I reply.

"I hope you're ok. oh and you don't have to do much today as you've missed the beginning of second semester." She says going up to the board. After a while of her talking about longitude and latitude I get bored.

I pull out my binder and find a blank piece of paper I get out my pencil and start sketching all of the spider people I've become close too. I'm happy I'm home but I do miss them all. I also hope Miles is ok. I would make me feel a lot at ease if I knew he was all right. I get distracted in my thoughts as the bell rings and I throw my stuff in my backpack.

"so what's next?" I ask.

"Math" Harry replies.

so after a very long math class and the teacher being worried about me It's finally lunch time. Harry and I walk around for a bit before going to the cafeteria as the line will be huge. We get our food and sit down in the corner.

"you're practically famous now huh?" Harry exclaims.

"yea basically, I wish I wasn't though. I'm not used to the attention." I reply.

"hopefully it will go down soon and it will go back to normal." Harry says cheering me up.

After lunch we have a long English class with her talking about persuasive elements. Then the bell rings.

"what now?" I ask Harry already tired with the day.

"gym." He responds with a sad expression.

I was never a super athletic but I always tried. and now with me powers I might actually be able to play games well or even perfect.

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