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"Love is not a feeling of happiness. Love is a willingness to sacrifice"

"Everyone thinks that we're perfect

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"Everyone thinks that we're perfect

Please don't let them look through the curtains"


- Melanie Martinez -

  TW: A really light mention of atelophobia

  "Yara! There's a letter for you!" Yelled my mom from down stairs while I was doing my hair. I had just finished applying my keratin treatment, so I put down the hair-dryer and responded with a 'Coming' before heading down-stairs curious as to who could've possibly sent me a letter. Maybe Nya finally responded to my letter! You see, Nya's my childhood best friend and one of my only real friends ever, but we stopped communicating long ago, although it wasn't our choice as she told me in her last letter that she'll be attending a new school which will basically be a new home for both her and her brother. We never exchanged numbers because I didn't have a phone at that time, even though I'm sure I would've used it with responsibility, my parents doubted that. The only reason I have one now is because they promised if I were to be the one with the best score in the finals, they'd buy me a phone. And I so happened to be, not only the one with the best score in my school, but also in the whole kingdom, and so they thought I truly deserved it as a gift.

 And I so happened to be, not only the one with the best score in my school, but also in the whole kingdom, and so they thought I truly deserved it as a gift

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I descended the stairs with a little bit of excitement evident on my face. How could I not be excited, I will possibly get to talk to Nya after so long. Although, I tried to not get my hopes up, I failed miserably. I just really wanted it to be her more than anything. When I got down the stairs, I asked mom while trying to not sound too excited:"Who is it from?" I hoped she wouldn't hear the slight eagerness in my tone, or else I'd be lucky enough to get another lecture on why I shouldn't still be sad over some friend I had because it is her loss if it was her intention on ending our friendship, thankfully she has not noticed, sparring hours of her telling me to move on. I get that she wants me to depend on myself and become a strong woman but Nya has a big importance in my heart, I can't just forget her. I mentally sighed in relief when she looked up at me, her expression looking more cheerful than usually. So it's probably not Nya. I quickly shifted back from the sad expression I had for a second to the curious look I had when I arrived. If it's not Nya, then who is it from? And why is mom happier than before?

  Before I could question her, however, she gave me the letter, nodding to it with a warm genuine smile that she gave me sometimes, like when I had got my prize for my results almost three months ago, which made me even more curious. I opened the letter directly without reading who the sender might be, deciding to read the letter's content out loud for both me and my mom to discover what it is about, even though, by the looks of it, she had a clear idea what it might talk about. It said:

  "Dear miss Summers,

  We are hereby sending this letter to you in the hopes of you accepting to attend our school to ensure you get the best education possible. We already know that you have some difficulty figuring out what carrier you wish to pursue, and we are not here to dictate who you should become as we know no matter what, you will contribute in helping the kingdom as you are doing now, but to guide you to find out who you wish to be, and to ensure you will be able to follow your dreams with no problem. Now, we know it may be a hard decision to make, as it won't only define the school you will attend to this year, but your entire course in life, so we want you to take this week to think carefully of your decision. Just know, no one is pressuring into making a choice you will not approve of. If you accept our offer, make sure to get to the school before the start of the school year to get to know your roommates and around the school grounds. We hope you will make - what seems to you - the right decision.

                                                                                     Sincerely yours,

                                          Principal Mistake of Ninjago's Royal School For Young Princesses And Maids"

  Wow! That's... That's... But before I could finish processing what I have just read, my mom enveloped me in a huge hug, she was saying things like 'That's amazing sweetie', 'I knew they would see the potential in you' and 'I can't believe it, it's great sweetheart', but I tuned out most what she said, still lost in thought, but can you really blame me, I've just been told that I will attend the best school ever. Yes, will. I still have not decided what I'd do. Truth is, I have a lot of interests: sports, drawing, writing, engineering, designing... You've got my drill, and it's so hard to chose only one when I could be missing on so much more, and so I've decided to go there. Plus, it'll be a great experience, and who knows, maybe I'll make new real friends. And I know that mom and dad have always been hard on me for my own good, even though it caused me to be so insecure and to have atelophobia which is the fear of imperfection, the fear of never being good enough, they love me and I love them, and that's what's important. And so I hugged mom back, gushing and squealing over my future attendance at this new school. Soon enough, I pulled away to go gather my clothes and such in my suitcase. At dinner, mom and I told dad and he told me he was proud of me as he  ruffled my hair. They told me that tomorrow, they'll take me there by car since dad didn't have any work. I was so excited that I'm sure I will barely get any sleep. But one thing's for sure, this will be the start of an adventure like no other.

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