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Mia's P.V.O
I have been walking for what felt like ages. I try and call out for Justin, but no answer. I can't hear anything but birds talking and the wind blowing. I hope he is able to find me soon, I miss him so much. I wish I never ran away in the first place.

Justin's P.V.O
I got the pack together and in the pack there is Me, Ryan, Chaz, and a few others. I start to make a plan on where to look and who to ask to if they have seen Mia. "I think we have everything together, so we will all go in separate vehicles, that way we can look faster. Now everyone know why to do?" "Yes" "Good, now go." As everyone left I went to look at my house to see if she is there, but when I get there and open the door, I call out for her. "MIA!" But nothing. I decide to look in the forest at the back of our house. Time to start looking for the one I love.

Mia's P.V.O
I'm still walking and it's getting more dark. I'm calling out for Justin, but still nothing and I can't see anything and I trip and hit my head and everything went dark.

Justin's P.V.O
As I'm walking I start to smell her scent and I finally pick it up and before I got into the forest I shape shifted into my wolf and I start to run as fast as my legs can carry me. I have found her and her head was laying on a log and her body spread out. I shape sift back into my human form. I try to wake her up but nothing and I get my phone out of my pocket and call Ryan. "Ryan I found her" "Is she okay? Is she hurt?" "She's fine, she must of fell or tripped over something because she is knocked out cold. Are you able to meet me at my house?" "Yeah" "Good, oh and can you tell Teresa of the pack that I found her?" "Yeah for sure" "Thanks, I own you, see you at the house" "Later"

Ryan's P.V.O

I just revived a call from Justin that he has found Mia, and he wants me to meet him at the house. I need to tell the rest of the pack that Justin found Mia, and that he is bringing her to his house. I call the rest of the pack and they all come back and i tell them the situation and whats going on with Mia, they are all worried, but i told them that they need to go home and just wait and see what Justin says. They all went home. I race over to Justin's house, and burst open the door to find Mia laying on the couch consciousness, and Justin sitting in front of her, shaking and crying, and praying that she will be okay. 

Justin's P.V.O

I hear the door burst open and i look up to find Ryan with a worried expression on his face. He ran over to us and gave Mia a big hug ad the said "Don't you ever run off like that again you hear me?" she looks at him and says "i won't i'm really sorry you guys, it's just when Justin turned into that werewolf i was shocked and scared and happy and mad and sad all a the same time." she said "Now you have to promise me that you will never run off again." said Justin "I promise, cross my heart and hope to die." Mia said "good" Justin said "But now you have to promise me, that their will be no more secrets." Mia said "Okay, i promise." I pulled her towards me and gave her a big hug and then i pulled away from the hug and put my forehead against hers. Then i turned to Ryan who was glued to his phone probably flirting with jasmine, another member of my wolf pack and also my eyes and ears of the pack. I had to whistle to get his attention and mouthed to him 'can you give us a minute or two please' and he mouthed back 'yeah, take all the time you need' *winks* I just shake my head and role my eyes. "Hey, Mimi. She looks up at me, with one of her eyebrows raised and says "mimi, you have never called me that before?" "it just seemed to fit, just like you and I." "Awe, Justin, now i can't stop smiling." "okay, back to the topic i wanted to discuss with you in the first place." Justin said "okay, shoot." Mia said "You know how i told you that i'm a werewolf and that your my mate?" Justin said "yeah, what about it?" Mia asked "well i think i might be falling in love with you, and  i know it's a little bit early to be saying this, but i can't help it, your all i think about everyday and all day, whenever i'm around you i get butterflies in my stomach, and i'm always smiling whenever i'm with you. What i'm trying to say is that whatever happens to us, i will be by your side no matter what." Justin said "oh my god, Justin no one has ever said that to me before, and i feel the exact same way. And when i ran away, i realized that i need you now more then ever. When you basically saved me from my step dad trying to hurt me, you stopped him, and my heart skipped a beat, because i didn't know you cared about me that much." Mia said "Of course i do, your my baby girl." I pulled her into me and i kissed her, and our lips moved in sync and it started to get heated a bit.

Mia's P.V.O

Justin kissed me and it started to get heated a bit, and i decided to tease him a little, which i know isn't nice but it sure is funny to see him get mad. I moved down his neck and he moaned "oh Mia, please don't stop." Then he started sucking on my neck and biting and sucking on it. Then i walked away and he says "Hey, you can't do that, its not fair." "I know, but it's fun to see you throw a fit abut it. Plus i need to go home, and get ready for school tomorrow." Mia says  "Okay, but at least give me a big kiss, since i won't see forever." Justin pouts "It's one day, that's not forever." Mia says "Well, it feels like it to me." Justin says. He pulls me in, and gives me a long passionate kiss, and says "Text me when you get home okay, so i know your safe." "yeah, of course." Mia said 


Hi lovez, sorry i haven't updated within like a year, i just was putting it off. I kept thinking about doing it, and i never did. I was forgetting about a lot too. I'm really sorry, i feel bad:( I can't promise anything, but i'll tell you what, i will try my best to write as much as possible and i might not be able to write everyday, because i have to do a lot of courses this year in grade 10,and i also have pave to do and all that stuff. Anyway, i'm really sorry about the delay on this book, i'm sure the waiting has been killer, i know how it feels, because when i'm  reading a book on here and they stop writing chapters it bugs me so much, because then i have to read another book then when they update i have to read the whole book over again just to get one chapter, it sucks ass. Anyway, i'm ranting so i'm gonna stop here. And i will try my best to write as much as possible everyday, and if i can't write one day i will write twice as much the next day and so on and so on. Well have a good day or good night:) 

Lovez Courtney:)         

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