The Love

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Mia's P.V.O

I just got home from Justin's house, and I walk into an empty house, that smells like alcohol and smoke. But he's gone, finally gone. Thank god, I'm finally free, from those beatings and the......rape. As i stand their and think about what will happen next, i decide to clean up this gross house, so i start in the kitchen and work my way over to the living room. Then i go upstairs, into my bedroom and clean up a bit. I then walk into my step fathers bedroom and i see the bed where he beat me and raped me, i close my eyes to get the images out of my head, and they stop after a bit. 

So i go back to my cleaning, i wash all of the bed sheets in every bedroom. I then wash all the floors, and let them dry for about 10 minutes, and then i vacuum. And i'm done. I give Justin a call and see what he's up to. "Hi Justin, it's Mia." "Hi beautiful, what's up?" "Well, i want to talk to you about selling my house, because my step father is locked away, and i'm moving in with you, so i don't see why we need to keep it, it's just another mortgage to pay. Do you know where i'm coming from?" Mia asked "Yeah, i know what you mean, i would have to talk to my mom about it, because we need to know the value on the house and what they will sell it for." Justin said "Okay, cool." "Anyway, how are you doing?" Justin asked "I'm good, now that i have you in my life and that prick is gone." Mia said "That's good, and awe i feel the same way. Do you want me to come over and help you pack and then we can go back to my place and we can hang out and my moms gone for the whole night" Justin said "okay, and yeah sure, i can't wait!" "okay, see you in a bit." "okay, bye." 

I hung up, i quickly tidy up and put all of my cleaning supplies away. I grab a bunch of boxes to put all of my things into, and i start to pack. 10 minutes after i started packing i hear a knock at the door, and i dash down the stairs and i open the door. I see Justin standing their and i jump into his arms, and give him a big long hug, i pull away. I say "Wow, that was fast." Mia says "Well, when your in love, time fly's." Justin replies "Awe Justin, you are the sweetest guy that i know." Mia says "Thanks babe, okay we should get a move on, if we want to spend lots of time together?" Justin asks "Yes, of course honey bunny." Mia replies "okay, cool. Well what are we waiting for, let's get cracking haha." Justin says They start to finish packing up Mia's room, and they pack it all into Justin's sports car. They both get into the sports car, and Justin starts the sports car. 

Justin's P.V.O.

I turn on the radio and only one call away by Charlie Puth comes on, and I start singing to it. "I'm only one call away ,i'll be there to save the day, superman got nothing on me i'm only one call away. Call me baby, if you need a friend I just wanna give you love, C'mon , c'mon, c'mon. Reaching out to you, so take a chance. No matter where you go, You know you're not alone. I'm only one call away. I'll be there to save the day. Superman got nothing on me, I'm only one call away." I finished singing and i look at Mia and she's looking at me with the biggest smile on her face and a few tears in her eyes. she says "Awe, Justin that was so sweet of you, but i might say that you were a little pitchy." I look at her with wide eyes and say "Well, i thought i was rather kinda good." "Jay, i'm just kidding, you were amazing!" "You really think so?""Of course!" They laugh about it, and they turn on the radio and start to sing again, till they get home. 

Mia's P.V.O.

We pulled into the yard and Justin says "Wait here." i nod my head and watch him go around the car and open the door for me and then in a swift motion he picks me up bridal style and carries me into the house. He sets me down at the door, and i look around at the house. "Are you hungry babe?" Justin asks me "Not for food, but i am hungry for something." "And what's that?" He asks "You!" I jump at him and i warp me legs around his torso and he holds my bum with his hands. He carries me up the stairs to his room. I ask between kisses. "When's. Your. Mom. Gonna. Be. Home?" i ask "Not. For. Another. Three. Hours." Justin replies between kisses "Good, because i want all of you." He smiles between kisses. He puts me down on the bed and he starts to take off my top well kissing my neck and part of my shoulder. I moan "Justinnnn." I take off his shirt and run my hands down and up his torso. I start to kiss his torso, and he throws his head back in pleasure and moans "Oh god Mia, i want you right now please!" He climbs on top of me and he kisses my torso. He squeezes my boobs, i moan in pleasure. I start taking off his belt and jeans, and he pulls down his jeans. He comes closer to my face and whispers in my ear and says "Are you sure about this?" Justin asks "Yes, i'm positive about it, your the only person i want in the whole for the rest of my of my life." Mia replies "Oh my god, i could just give you a million kisses right now!" Justin kisses me on my neck and he finds my sweet spot. I start to moan and he moves his hands to my belt on my jeans.  He takes off my jeans and belt, and as he is doing that, i cover my face with my hands, because i don't want to see his face when he pulls down my panties. He sees what i'm doing and he pulls my hands off my face with his hands and says "Hey, you don't need to hide, your beautiful, trust me sweetie." "But, i'm ugly and worthless." I reply "Your not ugly or worthless, your prefect to me in every way possible." He says with lust in his eyes "Awe, Justin that was, ugh i have no words for how much i love you." He looks at me with a big smile on his face and says "Well if you have no words, then why don't you show me how much you truly love me?" I look at him with lust and love in my eyes and say "I would love nothing more."  He looks at me and he kisses me passionately. He puts in, and he starts to thrust back and forth, and it hurts at first but then it turns into complete pleasure. i start to moan and it grows louder and louder. "Oh god Justinnnn!" I throw my head back in pleasure and Justin kisses my neck as he is thrusting on me, and i tug at his hair a bit in complete pleasure. "Oh god Jay, i'm about to cum." I say "Oh god baby you feel so good inside me." Justin says. We both let out the biggest moan possible and Justin collapses on top of me. He looks up at me and i look at him and we both say "I love you forever and always." He rolls off of me and lays beside me. I'm still trying to catch my breathe from this pleasurable orgasm i was having.

Justin's P.V.O.

Mia was beautiful absolutely stunning, and she was all mine. She had just caught her breathe and she was now cuddling me after we had just had sex, it was amazing, hands down the best night of my life. You have no idea how much i love this girl and you have no idea what i would do for her, i would take a bullet for her any day, any time. She just means that much to me. "Goodnight Mia, I love you forever and always." Yes, this is what i want for the rest of my days, no sketch that, for the rest of my life, waking up next to her every morning and seeing her beautiful face everyday of my life. I couldn't see my life without her. when i say she is the one that i'm meant to be with, i mean it. I want her for the rest of my days and for the rest my life, trust me. 


Hi guys i'm so sorry for not up dating everyday like i said i would, i just kept forgetting or trying to do it the next night but a lot of things have been going on, Now i'm going to try and update as much as possible, no promises tho. Love you guys, hope everyone had a great day. 

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Love you guys<3          

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