Rowan & Ash

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Being poor isn't what most people think

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Being poor isn't what most people think. It didn't mean that you starved or couldn't afford anything. I had mixed feelings when Dad told us about the heist. We could survive without it. He told us a few days ago. I could tell Ash was hopeful, but I didn't bother getting my hopes up. And even if we did help, it could mean loosing a loved one.
Our mother named me and my brother after trees due to my dad's name. She died a few hours after that. And within a month I could loose somebody else. I was dreading the message that could potentially doom us. I guess I was a coward, because unlike my bubbly brother or intrepid father I didn't want to risk it. My brother has been reading action books since he was young and has an unrealistic expectation that everything would go fine and we would be rich by the end of it. And even though my father tried to hide it me and Ash both know about his night job at the bar.
I hear shouts of excitement from inside and I pause from picking the weeds out of the garden. Ash runs outside, clearly ecstatic. "We've been approved!" He hoots and hugs me. "We get to meet the others tomorrow. Carter- the person in charge- wants to meet the two of us early to see our talents." Ash looked nervous. He didn't have any particular skill set. Me on the other hand, I may have said I didn't like risking my family, but I risk my own ass all the time. I knew how to hot-wire cars and pick locks, amongst other not so legal skills. I've also boxed a few times for extra cash. And Dad has the technology. He tinkers around in his free time and has made some devices that aren't very legal.
"What do you have to show her?" I ask. He seems offended.
"Just because I don't have any physical or athletic tributes doesn't mean I'm useless," he says with a perfect British accent. I don't know how he does it, but he can act like a whole different person if he wants to. My Dad follows Ash out of the house.
"I don't want you guys to get involved in this," he says hesitantly. Ash looks at his feet, hurt buy this new development.
"Why not? We could get more money, and I'd be useful," Ash says.
"It's just I don't want you guys to get hurt," he says.
"If you're going, we're going," I speak up. Dad sighs. He knows if I speak up there is no changing my mind. Ash squeezes my hand in a silent thank you. I yank my hand out of Ash's grip and continue tending to the garden. Ash lets out a sound of frustration. He knows my point of view on the heist and things have been rough between us ever since.
"Rowan...can we please talk about this?" Ash whines. I ignore him and continue plucking the weeds. Ash blows out his breath loudly before heading back in the house.

I wanted to fix things with my twin

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I wanted to fix things with my twin. I just didn't understand why he didn't want us to do the heist. I walk downtown to the Amity Hall of Music where I had a piano recital in half an hour.
I walk into the building where I can hear Sunny - my partner for our duet tonight- warming up on her violin. She was sitting on the top of the piano wearing a yellow sundress that complimented her dark complexion perfectly. I'd say she was hot, if I liked girls in that way.
I sit next to her on the piano, crack my knuckles, and we go through our scales before doing a quick run-through of our music. As the first people start coming in we slip behind the curtain where the teacher was waiting. The teacher slips out and announces us to the large crowd and beckons us out. The crowd claps and I sit down on the piano bench, Sunny perches where she was earlier.
I crack my knuckles- a nervous habit of mine. "Ready?" She gives me a bright smile. I nod and we begin. The movements come naturally to me and the notes to Phantom of the Opera flood the stadium. I get lost in the music. The eyes of the audience glisten as we crescendo and decrescendo perfectly. We had spent weeks playing it until perfection. The music comes to an end.
After the performance I meet up with Sunny and the other performers in the mess hall.
"You did so good!" Sunny squeals, hugging me tightly.
"You rocked it," I told her, lifting her up and spinning her around. My boyfriend Jamie comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. We weren't soulmates, but we love each other and have been together for almost a year now. "You did so good," he whispers in my ear. He kisses my cheek. We walk out of the Hall together. He stays the night at my house. After tomorrow we will be staying with Carter Riley at Chiron House, so I won't be able to visit him for who knows how long.
"Why do you have to go?" He whispers laying in bed beside me. He didn't know about the heist, I just told him we were going to our grandparent's lake house.
"Its their anniversary party," I murmur , already half-asleep.
"I'll give you money if you stay," he whines. I freeze. He's never taken advantage of my money situation like this. He's never talked to me like this before. My vision turns red, I hated pity and charity. I flip around to face him.
"Get out."
"Out, I never want to talk to you again." He slides out of the bed.
After I hear the door close I let the tears run. What happened? He was so perfect and never talked like that to me before. I had noticed small changes in his behavior lately, but thought nothing of them.
I walk down to the kitchen and grab a glass of water. I turn on the sink but nothing comes out. Shit. I was tired, thirsty, and angry. I was not in the mood. I hear the stairs creak as  Rowan walks down. "When did we pay the water bill?" I ask. He shrugs.
"Everything okay?" He asks and fresh tears leak out of my puffy eyes. He's talking to me again.
"I broke up with Jamie," my voice cracks. He hugs me tight.
"Maybe its for the best." He looks down at our wrists. We meet our soulmates on the same day, only thirty minutes apart.

Since we were twins there was a chance we shared a soulmate, which would beyond awkward. Rowan guides me back upstairs. He kisses me on the forehead before heading back to his room.
Meeting the rest of the crew was unpleasant to say the least. The South-siders watched us warily. They didn't trust us and we didn't trust them. That's how it's always been and always will. A guy a few years older than us walked in. His eyes land on the dark skinned guy sitting across from us. He was the other North-sider. Carter Riley followed close behind him. A guy walks in through another door at the same time.
"Welcome and thank you. We can start with introductions. Don't have to say much, just your name if you would like," she says. She acts more like a North-sider than a South-sider. "As you all know, I'm Carter Riley. I am 22 years old and I have committed 89 crimes without being arrested. Who's next?"
I clear my throat. "I'm Ash Bridger. I am 16 years old." Me speaking up forces Rowan to go next. We continue around the table. It did not feel like we were about to commit a crime. It felt more like a job interview or something. I memorize the other's names as we go around.
"I'll show you guys to your rooms."

Q: How many pets do you have, if any?
A: I have 4 chickens, 1 raccoon, 3 fish, 3 dogs, and 9 cats

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