Lance & Ace

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𝚂𝚘 𝚏𝚊𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝟿 𝚙𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍. 𝙹𝚎𝚎𝚜𝚑.

What did I do in my past life to get paired with him? He lets go of my wrists and I shove him off of me

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What did I do in my past life to get paired with him? He lets go of my wrists and I shove him off of me. I crouch down next to Rylan.
"Don't worry, he'll wake up in a few hours," Ace says. He looks at the schedule before slipping out of our shared room.
I haul Rylan into his bed before bandaging a few of his cuts.
Ace doesn't come back that night. When I wake up Rylan is sitting up holding an ice pack to where Ace hit him.
"How are you feeling?" I ask.
Awkward silence settles over the room. It's the first time we've been alone since discovering he's in on the heist too.
"Why didn't he kill me?" He asks.
"I stopped him."
"You fought him?"
I nod.
"Why didn't he kill you?" He pauses for a second. "Is he your soulmate?"
I nod. He laughs like its the funniest thing he's heard. "I almost feel bad for you."
Silence settles again.
"And why are you participating in criminal activity, Lance?"
"I could ask the same thing."
Rylan's silent. "My father's an assassin, I've been raised to follow in his footsteps. Your turn."
"My father's dying. I need the money."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want your charity." I'm starting to hate silence.
"If he's your soulmate, then perhaps we could get back together?" He asks shyly. I nod. I would never get with Ace. He's a murderer for fucks' sake.
"Well we better get ready; we have to meet with the others in half an hour."

I wanted to bite him

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I wanted to bite him. My fangs were out. I could hardly control the urge to as I walked out. The only way out of the House is to go through Carter's office.
"Figure it out?" She asks. I nod. "Is that blood on your shirt?" It was. "Who's?"
"Rylan. Lance hates me now."
"Don't worry. I'm sure he hated you before that." I glare at her and she sighs. "So... you like him?" I shrug.
"He can put up a decent fight." It's her turn to glare.
"He started it," I toss off the blame. Me and Carter are close but it's never been more than friendship. She was the only person in the world I would let my guard down around like this.
"He had the right to after you beat up his ex." I startle at that.
"They were in a relationship but broke it off a few days ago. Probably because of you," she explains.
"So you decided it would be fun to put the three of us together in a room." The betrayal hurt.
"I arranged the rooms before I knew about their former relationship," Carter justifies.
"Whatever, I'm going out."
I didn't have anything in particular to do.
I wasn't hungry.
I've never killed for anything but survival.
I don't find entertainment in fucking.
The effects of alcohol still work on me. I could get drunk. Sure, I'd probably end up throwing it all up in the morning, but sometimes it was worth it. Maybe just one drink.
It was three in the morning when I stumbled out of the local bar. I lost track of how much I drank.
I trip going into Carter's office and catch myself on the desk she was currently sleeping at. She startles awake. She takes in my appearance.
"How much did you drink?"
"No clue, but I am plastered, mate," my British accent showing. She gives me a weird look. She knows a good deal about me, but I have told her nothing about my past. "Speaking of drink," I snatch up her wrist and raise it to my mouth. She yanks it a way.
"I hate drunk Ace," she mutters under her breath. She drags me to the nearest bathroom which was a fine idea on her end. I barely make it to the loo before vomiting.
"Feeling better?" I nod before vomiting again. "You never told me you were British." Shit, I was hoping she'd dismiss it.
"I'm not." She doesn't believe my lie but lets the topic go.
"Why don't you go sleep? It's almost your time of the month." It was a joke to her, no I don't go through periods. It was the time of month where I sleep for two days straight.
"I'm not tired yet." I could always sense when I needed to sleep. First, the tiredness- of course. Next, loss of control over my fangs and claws. Lastly, I pass out and don't wake up for 50 hours. "You go sleep. In your bed."
She hesitates but slips out of the bathroom. I take a shower before wandering into the knife throwing range. There was an admirable and vast collection of different types of knives. My eyes land on a pair of throwing knives. I launch one at the target. Bullseye.
"You're pretty good at that," a voice behind me states. The French accent reveals who it is. Lilian Augustine, sister to Felicity Augustine whom we will be robbing in a few weeks. What was her motive?
She walks over to me and grabs the other throwing knife. I let her take it. She whirls around and before having a chance to aim the knife left her hand and embeds itself into the middle of the target. She saunters over to the drawers filled with knives. She tosses two ring daggers over her shoulders and I catch them.
"But are you as good at fighting as you are throwing?" She whirls around and I barely have time to raise my blade to block her blow. And then we're full on fighting. We don't manage to draw blood because we're too fast to be caught by the other's blades. She's getting frustrated as the minutes fly by. We continue our dance of parrying and slicing. She lets out a growl of frustration and with inhumane speed spins around and drags her blade across my throat.
"Merde," she gasps when she realizes what she did. But instead of dropping dead like a human I pin her against the wall. I rub my slit throat with one hand. That was the oddest sensation I have felt. The gap in my throat slowly stitches itself together. Would've been faster but my time of the month is soon.
"Impossible," she breathes. I have to wait for my throat to heal before replying.
"And being half cat isn't," I growl. She flinches.
"H-how do you know about that?" She shoves me off. "That's classified information..." her voice trails off. "But you were part of the experiments too."
Shit. No one can just believe in the supernatural anymore, can they?
"Let's just forget this happened until after the heist." She nods her head in agreement before slipping from the room.
I slip into our room five minutes before we're supposed to meet up. The other two were thankfully already gone. I'd be sleeping by the end of the day by the feel of it. I get dressed in my usual black clothes.
I head to the council room where every one else was waiting.
"Feeling better?" Carter asks.
"Fine," I growl.
"Let's not have repeat of last night, or your off the heist," she says. I roll my eyes. She wouldn't kick me off. "Let's get to business. Felicity Augustine is hosting the event." She passes around a manila folder. I catch a glimpse of a picture of her as Taylor opens the file. And on the next page...a picture of Alex. I start to doze off as Carter runs through information. I'm half-asleep when Carter says my name.
"What?" I snap. A second too late I realize I answered to the wrong name. The name from my past that I have tried to forget. I feel my fangs slide out. Lilian's looking at me funny.
"Go get some sleep," Carter says. She starts talking again.
"I have a file on him. I'll try to find later today." Fuck. My nails turn silver and start to lengthen so I shove them in my pockets before slipping out of the room.
This heist got into my past life. I should drop out now. I struggle to stay awake. We had an agreement that when it was my time of the month I'd go to her room since my roommates wouldn't take too well to see somebody sleep for over two days straight. The moment my head hits the pillow I'm asleep.

Q: What's your Hogwarts house?
A: I'm a Slytherin much to my classmates surprise

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