She was the perfect target: young, single, alone, and very drunk

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She was the perfect target: young, single, alone, and very drunk. I didn't particularly like drunk victims since the acetaldehyde in their blood makes me drunk. I sit down next to her and order a beer. She was already a few drinks in, she won't remember. She stands up and walks to the bathroom. I follow her.
She doesn't have a chance to scream before I gag her and sink my fangs into her neck. I drink as much as I can without killing her. I dial 9-1-1 on her phone before putting it in her hand. My fingerprints aren't in the system, my family made sure of that. I wipe the blood off my face before slipping out of the back door of the bar.
"Ace." I glance over my shoulder. Carter. I stop to let her catch up with me. "You know how the White Dove Charity Gala is coming up, right?" She asks. I nod. "That's a lot of cash. So, I was wondering if you would like to help." Sounds fun. We walk in silence for a few blocks. She's getting impatient. After knowing her for 9 years, I know she's going to crack under the silence soon.
"Who else is helping? It can't just be us," I say, hiding my British accent. She hands me a list of names. Lilian Augustine. It sounded familiar. I read the last name again. French mafia. Wait, she's- Which means she might recognize me. Isn't her sister hosting the Gala? You know what, this would be a perfect way to get revenge on her.
"So?" She asks. It's been ten years. What's the chance she'd recognize me?  I run a hand through my long hair. It's been a while since I've cut it. It now fell beneath my shoulders. I tie it back and a few locks slip out to frame my face.
"I'll help."
Carter has already seen my skills, so she doesn't need an example. I watch the other ones that I can make it to. Taylor, Oakley, Ash, and Rowan. There were certainly better options than them, but they will do.
"Everybody will meet back here at 9:30 for introductions and a tour, but you can come back early to move in," Carter says. I glance at my wrist for the hundredth time today. Carter notices it, "You two are the last people I would expect to be paired." I frown. It has to be one of the others, your soulmate can't be somebody you've already met. So it wasn't Carter, Taylor, or one of the Bridgers. Which left Lilian, Rylan, or Lance.
"Who is it?"
"You'll have to figure it out yourself," she says with a sly smile.
I slip out of the House and head down the street to the local nightclub. The girl from yesterday didn't quench my appetite.
My family, or well, my former family runs a secret organization, where they turn ordinary humans into extraordinary things. In my case, I got turned into a blood-sucking vampire.
I was all over the news. Not me specifically, but my victims. The Vampire Killer they called me. How creative. Less than half of my victims die. I go through my usual routine and head back to the House.
Carter tosses me a key and I head off to find my room. I have to share a room with Lance and Rylan. I won't be using it very often, considering I only need to sleep 50 hours a month. I toss my clothes into the dresser next to my bed. The walls of the room were black metal, and the dressers and bed frames were made from the same material. There were compartments in the walls that hid handguns and rifles. I preferred knives and my fangs. I get a text from Carter:
Others are here, join us in the council room
I slip a knife into the sheath under my sleeve before walking to the council room. I step into the room.
I sit next to the Israeli who I could only assume is Rylan. Lance sits down in the empty chair next to mine. We introduce ourselves. Name, Age, maybe something crime related.
"Ace. 25. 72 murders and counting." Silence. The North-siders shift uneasily.
Carter gives them a tour and I watch my three options. We drop the Bridgers off in their bedroom, and then Lilian and Taylor in theirs.
Carter stops in front of our door. "Ace has the key." I take it out and open the door. She hands Lance a schedule. The moment the door closes Rylan has me pinned against it. I was expecting this. He holds a knife against my throat. The tip of my own presses into his stomach.
"Rylan," Lance says surprised.
"Give me one good reason not to kill you," Rylan growls. I press the blade a little deeper. He presses his hard enough to draw blood, if I had enough in my system. With inhuman speed my blade flicks up, slitting his wrist. He drops his blade in surprise and I kick him backwards. He lunges at me and I dodge him, shoving him into the wall. Between the smell of his blood and the fight he was putting up I may end up killing him. He kicks my legs out from under me and he pins me to the ground.
"I'm going to kill you."
"Good luck," I grab the knife I hid under my bed and slammed the hilt into his skull. I flip him off of me and my fangs slide out. I just realized Lance was still in the room. I slide them back. I could just stab him? My blade levels with his throat.
A weight slams into me jarring me from my thoughts.
"Don't you dare," Lance punches me across the face. I knee him in the groin and his grip on me slackens. I shove him off of me. Lance has his hands between his legs. He lets out a groan. I wince in sympathy. And then he lunges at me. I got to admit: I was impressed. I've never seen anybody recover that fast. He slams me onto my bed. Then he knees me in the balls.
Fuck that hurt. Which was odd because I haven't felt pain in over 15 years. I grab a knife from under my pillow. (We don't talk about how many are hidden in this room.) I aim it at his heart and he jerks backwards. I grab his legs and pull him forward. His back slams onto the mattress and in one quick movement I had him pinned down. He writhes underneath me trying to get free. Not going to lie, it kind of turned me on. But, while I'm at it. I check his wrist.

Q: What's your personality type?
A: Im an INTJ

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