Lilian & Ace

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The situation we were in was kind of funny honestly

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The situation we were in was kind of funny honestly. Especially Lance and Ace's hard-ons. I pretended to sleep while they talked. I only needed 3 hours of sleep because of the Change. I'm still trying to figure out how Ace went through a Change. Was he also part of the European mafia?
"Maybe we should wait to get to know each other before we do anything drastic," Ace murmurs quietly.
"You're a murderer!" Lance hisses.
"I'm a hunter. I only kill for survival," Ace contradicts.
"You're. Still. A. Murderer!"
"Technical term would be serial killer."
"Not helping your case."
I struggle to hold in a laugh. I know I shouldn't eavesdrop but can't exactly help it when we're chained together.
"Why do you kill?" Lance asks quietly. Is Ace going to tell him the truth?
Ace doesn't say anything and turns on his side. Towards me. "I know you're awake," he says under his breath knowing I can hear it with my cat like hearing.
"So? I don't sleep very much."
"You were eavesdropping on us."
I shut out what he says next. It was probably about 2 in the morning so I need to get to sleep.
When I wake up I am uncomfortably warm. I open my eyes. I was cuddling Ace. All three of us were as a matter of fact and he did nothing but glare at the ceiling while Carter took pictures of us. I yawn and flop over, stretching like a cat.
"Unlock us now?" I ask. She considers for a moment.
"Nope, but I will help you get to the council room."
By now the other two have woken up and Carter grabs the middle hand-cuffs and yanks us all upwards. Now we had to figure out how to walk.
I move my right foot forward and nudge Ace's foot with mine. We move our conjoined feet forward and they continue it down the line. We start getting a hang of it, so we start going faster. Which was a mistake as we all fell going on a turn.
"And now we're back at the start," Rylan mutters.
"The two of you on the end stand up and pull us up," we do as we're told and we continue.
We make it to the council room but a new dilemma arises: getting into our chairs. We pull them back before walking in between them and falling into them.

Halfway through a lesson on picking different types of locks Lance starts shifting in his seat

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Halfway through a lesson on picking different types of locks Lance starts shifting in his seat.
"What?" I ask slightly annoyed.
We get up and walk to the bathrooms.
"Were you looking?" Lance snaps.
"Why would I? You probably have a small dick anyways."
"I do not!"
"Wanna prove it?"
"Can you guys just shut up for once?" Lilian groans. We walk back to the council room where Carter has put locks and paper clips in front of our chairs. I make quick work of it, even with my hands-cuffed, but Lance was still working on his. I grab his wrist gently and adjust his make-shift tension wrench.
"Push up on the stiff pin and repeat that with the others," I guide him. He goes through the motions and it unlocks.
"Thanks," he murmurs. She then passed out combination locks. I was pretty good at them, but I could hear all of the others twisting their's to find the combination with my vampire hearing so I was unable to find the right combination. Lilian was also struggling next to me. We wait until the others finish before swiftly picking our own.
2555. Using the phone letter system it was A and L. I glare at Carter and she gives me a sly smile. I swear I was going to kill her.
Next was our lunch break. Oakley cooks something for all of us, excluding me. Carter sets the table and doesn't bother setting a bowl in front of me which earns a few curious looks. Instead she sets a glass of blood in front of me.
"I came prepared," she says. I down it in one gulp.
"Satisfies the hunger but not the instinct, and is that wine mixed with it?" I lick my bloodstained lips and catch Lance watching. I give him a slow smile, slightly drunk from the blood and wine. I feel my fangs slide out and keep my mouth shut for the rest of the meal. I needed to bite someone or something. Carter notices and unlocks my hand-cuffs.
"Why does he get to be unlocked?" Rylan complains. "Is it because you're dating or something?"
Carter laughs and I have to try really hard not to. Instead I walk out of the room. The moment I'm alone I sink my teeth into my arm, releasing the hormones that notify my brain that I have drank.
After the wound closes I walk back into the dining room and Carter cuffs me to Rylan and Lance to Lilian. Great, now I'm stuck with this asshole.
After lunch Carter had the brilliant idea of practicing hand-to-hand combat. She pairs us with Lilian and Lance- the only person who can hurt me.
Lance immediately punches me in the face. White hot pain explodes across my face. I notice Lance winces- he can feel an echo of the pain.
"So, are you and Carter dating?" Rylan asks while fighting off Lilian.
"Never have, never will," I wrench up our tied together arms to block Lance's next blow. Lance and I aren't even trying to hurt each other anymore. We don't put force into our blows. My eyes land where Lilian and Lance's feet are tied together. I snag my free foot under their chain and yank backwards. They crash to the ground and an echo of pain flares across my back. I step on the chains, pinning them to the ground.
We go through a few more matches with the others. We surprisingly made a good team. Carter unlocked our hand-cuffs so we could shower and change. But when we were done she didn't chain us together again afterwards. Instead she chains me and Lance's hands together.
We don't say a word to each other. He walks to the kitchen and pulls a beer out of the fridge. He holds one out to me. I take it and we sit down at the island.
"So...tell me about yourself," Lance says awkwardly.
I blink. "What."
"You said we should get to know each other before we make any decisions."
"Well what do you want to know?" He shrugs.
"Favorite animal, birthday, hobbies, childhood crush?" I flinch at the last one.
"Raven, March 23... I guess I like drawing. You?"
"Wolf, August 13, hunting."
"You do seem like a dog person," I muse. He grabs another bottle and considers me.
"You seem like a cat person."
"Dogs are annoying."
"Are not!"
I roll my eyes and finish off my bottle. "They're loud and obnoxious, sorta like you."
"Fuck you."
"If you insist." His cheeks redden and he glances away.
"It's getting late we should go to sleep," he says, changing the subject. He yanks me off the stool and down the hallway.
Rylan wasn't in the room which sparked a bit of curiosity in me.
"So, do you want to sleep on the floor or in one of the beds?" Lance asks after getting ready.
"There's enough room in the beds," I reply and plop down on my bed, sending Lance falling backwards onto it. I could already feel the alcohol wanting to remove itself from my body, but I refuse to puke it up while chained to Lance.
He lets out a yawn and falls asleep. His arm wraps around my waist and he buries his face in my shoulder. A warm feeling courses through my body at the contact. He snores softly.
He twitches and lets out a whimper. He's having a nightmare. I shouldn't care; I should just ignore it. His fingers grip my shirt and he hugs me tighter. He look so vulnerable. He trembles and mutters under his breath. Fuck this.
"Lance," I prod him gently but give him a shove when he still doesn't wake up. "Lance," I growl but he just whimpers. Bloody fucking hell, I didn't want to use Charisma, but I couldn't stand to see him like this. "Wake up."

Just to note Charisma controls actions, it can't erase memories, control feelings, or other brain related stuff such as talking, etc.

Q: What's your favorite animal?
A: Mine is a lynx I also love ravens too

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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