chapter 1

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"I'm sorry I'm the biggest disappointment to this family!" I yell as I slam the door and run out onto the street. I run as fast as I've ever run, to avoid anyone seeing the tears that run down my face. My boyfriends apartment is only two blocks away. I knock on the door, and wait as he opens the door.

Before continuing, I should introduce myself. My name is Valentina Sainz, I'm 21 years old. Yes, Sainz. Like Carlos Sainz the retired F1 driver, and Carlos Sainz jr, current f1 driver. They are my father and brother. Most people don't know of my existence, my parents say it's a coincidence but I'm not stupid.

Growing up, I went to a few races here and there when ny father was a driver. Back then people didn't pay much attention to us, they only cared about my father. I liked going but the truth is, when he started taking Carlos and teaching him how to drive, I began to hate F1. I felt like he only cared about Carlos and his future. Carlos and I were best friends, we were so close growing up. And when Carlos was away with my father, I missed him so much. I began to grow up and hate f1 driving.

Back at home, my sister was the perfect daughter. She was very girly, liked to do the things my mother did. I felt a bit like an outsider, and I missed my brother. Eventually we all grew up and of course my parents focused a lot more on Carlos' career as a racer. And I'll admit it, as a result I liked to act out growing up. I would purposely upset my parents because I was hurt. Which is why I know that they thought it best that i wasn't in the public eye. I wasn't as perfect as my sister.

I still lived at home with my parents. My sister recently moved out because she got married. I hadn't seen Carlos in weeks. He had just switched to his new team, McLaren I think it's called. I missed him but it's like he forgot about me. He hasn't reached out.


My boyfriend, Fernando, opens the door. He puts his arms out as I walk into his arms.
"Que te pasa, guapa?" He asks me.
"I'm just done with my parents. I think they actually hate me" I reply. He rubs my back and shuts the door.
"They don't. Let's go to my room" he says holding his hand out. I grab his hand and he leads us to the room, shutting the door behind him.

We sit on his bed as he pulls me into his arms.
"It's going to be okay. It'll pass" he says, I shrug and wipe my tears.
"I know what'll make you feel better..." he smiles as he lifts my chin to face him.
"Well there's a party later today, I think we'll find certain things to make you feel more...relaxed" he smirks.
"I know know Fer, I really shouldn't"
"Vamos, amor. It'll be good for you" he smiles as he places a kiss on my lips.
"Por favor?" He says again.
"Okay. But I can't stay out too late" I say. He nods and kisses my lips once more.

I lay in his arms as he unpauses the game he was playing on the PlayStation. I silence my phone as it continues to ring with messages from my parents.


I wake up from my nap, to find Fernando getting dressed.
"I had the maid pick out an outfit for you from the store, you should get dressed so we won't be late" he smiles as he means over and kisses my lips.
"Okay" I reply. I stand up and begin to undress myself.

I walk over to the other side of the bed in my thong and bra. Fernando pulls me so I'm between his legs, as he rubs his hands along my waist.
"You're too beautiful to be crying amor" he says. I blush and look away. He begins to place kisses along my waist and my body.
"Fer, we should get going, so we're on time" I sigh as I move away. I'm not really in the mood for this right now, with everything going on.

He sighs and nods. I grab the silky dress that is laid down for me. I slip it on and brush my hair, so it looks more presentable.

He grabs his car keys from the table, and walks out of the room. I grab my phone and follow behind him. He's already in the car, and I get into the passenger side. He grabs my hand and holds it in my lap as we leave his house.

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