chapter 13

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a few weeks later.

"Let's go Tina, time to wake up" I'm awoken by my brother poking my cheek.
"It's too early chili" I say as I peak at the clock which reads 4:30am.
"Tina you promised you'd go on my run with me, are you really giving up now?" He laughs. I sigh as I remember our conversation last night.
"Fine, I'm up" I yawn as I sit up.
"Okay, I'll go make us a quick snack" he smiles walking out the door.

I get myself up and head towards the bathroom to get changed. I wash my face and brush my teeth in hopes that it will give me some energy. I grab my phone and headphones and walk out to the kitchen.

Carlos passes me a fruit bar and a protein smoothie. It's still sort of dark out, and it's drizzling. Eventually my body wakes up, and I feel a lot better.

"You don't have to come if-" Carlos begins to say.
"I want to come, I'm ready" I smile as I look over at him.
"Okay" he nods.

We stretch quickly and head out the door. Our goal for today is 5 miles at least. I haven't ran this much in awhile, but I'm glad Carlos invited me so we can spend some time together. I know he's always busy with work and training, but this way he's training and spending time with me.

We begin our run, both putting our headphones on. There aren't many people out so it's not crowded to run. I assume it's too early and the rain as well. The run begins to help me clear my mind, and process these last few months now living with Carlos. It's almost a year. Although I didn't want to leave back home at first, I'm glad I did. I've made amazing friends and Carlos and I are closer than ever. And of course, I hope things get serious with lando. I really like him.


Halfway through our run, we stop for a quick hydration break. We head into a small shop to buy some water. We stand outside as we drink our bottles. I stand on my tip toes to fix Carlos' wet hair.

"You're doing a good job keeping up so far" Carlos says .
"I'm a natural I guess" I smirk.
"You're annoying" he laughs.

We throw out our bottles and begin our run after stretching again.


We make it back home, finally. But honestly I felt like I needed the run. It made me feel better in the end. We both head to our rooms to shower and get dressed. Carlos is heading to office, the next Grand Prix is in a few days, so tomorrow is the last day he's here.

I shower and get dressed, and walk back out to the kitchen. I begin to make us some breakfast so we can eat together before he heads out.

We eat and watch a tv show we've been watching together called Money Heist. I wasn't liking it at first but Carlos got me into it.

We finish breakfast and I hug him goodbye as he heads out. I edit a quick video I filmed yesterday and post it. I've been feeling like social media has become a main job for me. It's a lot of work, but I really enjoy it.

I grab my phone as I sit on the sofa in the living room.

Lando :)

good morningg !

morning lando :)

oh wow, you're up early

yeah, I went on a early run this morning lol

what kind of person has the energy for that? that is incredible

apparently me haha. what are you up to?

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