Chapter 21

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I wake up, with landos arm wrapped around me. Our bare chests touch each other, giving me warmth. He looks so innocent when he sleeps. I smile, last night was perfect.

"Like what you see?" His raspy voice says as a smirk appears on his face.
"I didn't know you were awake" I blush looking away.
He grabbed my face softly and turned it to face his, kissing my lips.
"Thank you for last night. It was incredible"
"Lando, we should talk-" I run my fingers along his bicep.
"What? You didn't like it?" He pouts
"What? No! I loved it. I want to do that a million times more with you" I smile and peck his lips.
"Good" he smiles, content.
"I mean about us. Look, you hurt me. But I miss you and I really like you, and I want us to really try if we're going to do this"
"I know, and I'm sorry. I hated my life without you in it. I promise to do things different this time" he runs his hand through my hair.
"Good. I can't wait" I smile and lay against his chest.

"Tina! Can I come in?" Our thoughts are interrupted by my brother.
"Shit" I whisper.
I quickly get up, and lando runs to the bathroom, taking his clothes.

"Hello??" Carlos yells again.
"Chili it's so early! You woke me up, give me a second" I yell back. I hear him sigh, and I can see he's still at the door. I throw on my clothes and fix my hair up a bit.
"Come in" I say.

Carlos walks in with a big smile. He's such a morning person.
"I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me to the Vegas Grand Prix. I was thinking, who cares if people know you're my sister? Plus they saw photos of us together and I want to clear the air up. And besides maybe you'll meet someone since you don't want to try with lando" he rolls his eyes.
"Oh- chili, you know I just needed space. But yes id love to go" I smile. He walks over and plops himself on the bed.

Ugh, why is he not leaving??

"Okay, good" he says nodding.
"Actually I have someone I want you to meet. He's tall, handsome, mature, a business owner. I think you'll like him" he smiles.
"Carlos, why are we talking about this right now? Don't you have to go to the office?" I smile.
"Yes I do actually. I just wanted to ask about Vegas so I can let them know"
"Oh okay, gracias"
He pulls me in for a hug and kisses my cheek. He stands up and walks toward the door.

"Tina, be careful with your hair straightener, you have a nasty burn on your neck" Carlos clears his throat and closes the door behind him as he leaves.

I freeze and get up. I look at the mirror and see a mark that lando must have left. Ugh, I know Carlos was being sarcastic. I haven't straightened my hair in a week.

I wait until the front door shuts and I call lando out. His face turns red and he laughs.

"That was close" he smirks. His boxers and sweatpants are back on, but he's still shirtless.
"It was. Do you not have to go into the office?" I smile.
"I do, but im always late anyway" he laughs.

He helps me do my bed, and clean up. We walk out to the kitchen, where I make us both a smoothie. I make him his to go.

"Can we see each other later?" He asks with his eyes lit up.
"Maybe for dinner? I'm having lunch with Carlos and we're going shopping for a few things" I reply.
"Sounds good. I'll text you" he leans over and kisses my lips.
"Adios lando" I smile as he walks out of the apartment.

Lando POV
Last night was amazing. And waking up beside Valentina was the best feeling ever. I want her to be my girlfriend, to walk the streets and show up to the Grand Prix together, holding hands. Tonight I plan to ask her to be my girlfriend, before Carlos introduces whoever this mystery man is.

I drive off toward the office, drinking the smoothie Tina made me. I'm happy for the first time in awhile.

Valentina POV
Carlos arrives home, cheerful as usual.
"Just got you a ticket to the Grand Prix!" He cheers.
"Yay! Gracias chili. Im so excited" I smile.
"So, should we go have lunch at the pier to celebrate?"
"Sure, let me get dressed" I reply.

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