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I was having a good time, for my first vacation ever, as an adult with money.

I decided to go take a road trip to LA, driving from the east coast to the west coast takes a few days so all the essentials were in my car, 2 weeks of clothes because I don’t want to do laundry, my drawstring bag containing my iPad, chargers, a small comfy outfit, some protein bars, and all my medicine. I’m going to tour LA on my own, no need for tour guides, I have my car and unlimited data.

Did I mention I’m a huge nerd? Supernatural, Doctor Who, Psych, the MCU, the Arrow-verse, Disney, Harry Potter, I could probably answer trivia on all of them. That’s just me being a pop culture nerd though. I’m also a regular nerd, or at least I thought I was, till college killed all my self-worth. I went from a straight-A high school student to a struggling to pass University student, it has not been a nice transition.

So here I am in the last 3 weeks of summer before fall classes start and I get killed again by the school work and stress.

My plan for my solo tourist trip is to follow the basics of what my parents did last year, travel using my own car, and the internet to guide me. I think it would be the best way to leisurely travel while being able to actually see the city.

I have a small list of things I want to do while I’ve here, day one will probably be the boardwalk, day two will be to drive by celebrity and fictional houses, day three, I plan to take a surfing class, day four will be a tour of a movie set, day five I’ll probably go to Disney land, day six and seven I’m leaving open to be able to rearrange the rest of the week if need be.

I’ve been to LA before so I’ve seen some of the popular sights and day two is what I’m most interested in because of 10880 Malibu point 90265, the fictional address of one Antony Howard Stark, as stated in Ironman 3. I’m going to put it into the GPS and see where it takes me. I’m going on an adventure and am so excited!

And before you ask, no I am not one to go into a situation with a big plan, every detail mapped out, nope that just stresses me out. I plan my days very loosely, just a few bullet points.

The first day went swimmingly, I woke up late, put on some sandals, shorts, and a t-shirt, went out to breakfast, and got some lovely avocado toast. I spent the afternoon on the boardwalk, went on a fairs wheel played fair games, and won nothing. I spent the evening on the beach with an ice cream cone watching the sunset, it was fun. I do look back at all the rides feeling a bit sad. I am unable to ride rollercoasters anymore, due to a car accident I was in last year that really messed up my spine. I miss rollercoasters.

The next day was going well I saw 3 different famous houses before I decided to drive to a fictional residence. I know that The address will only take me to a nice beach, but it will still be nice to see.

Just when I thought I got lost, a car was headed towards me on the opposite side of the road. Honking, I swerved and ended up going off the hill a bit, luckily I stopped before hitting anything at the bottom. My heart pounding, this is the point I reassess my life choices, grab one of my anxiety pills, put on the emergency brake, and take a nap in my back seat. I was done being conscious for the day.

I woke up around dusk feeling weird, but I normally feel a bit strange after I take my anxiety meds, so I thought nothing of it, reach for my water bottle and a granola bar, and just relax for a bit.

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