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"Ah, good morning, young Fumikage."

From his place on the stairs, Fumikage Tokoyami looked up to see a the familiar form of a lanky (though much less so compared to a year prior) blond man standing in the kitchen by himself and holding a mug of coffee. "Ancestor," he greeted in reply, standing up and making his way to join him. "What brings you by?"

Toshinori stared at him for a moment before he spoke. "...You know you don't have to keep calling me that, right? Just Toshinori works. Or even Jonathan."

Even after knowing about it for close to a year now, the knowledge that the Symbol of Peace himself had at one point lived as his ancestor was still quite heavy for Fumikage to wrap his head around.

When Jōshirō had first arrived come over for dinner one evening with a stranger named Toshinori Yagi in tow, he had assumed that the man was just a work colleague from the Speedwagon Foundation, but when he suddenly stood up and grew in size and muscle mass after dinner, Fumikage was left reeling with confusion, along with more than a little skepticism at hearing that reincarnation was proven to exist, mainly because of his atheistic upbringing.

But then All Might ended up talking about things like growing up in England, learning something called the Ripple, fighting Dio, that at the end of it all, Fumikage ended up with so many questions.

Were there more Joestars running about in the world?

What were the odds of Jonathan Joestar being reborn into a Japanese man?

Did Fumikage have a past life?

"To be honest, I'm still getting used to the idea of being related to you," he replied, taking a sip of water.

(Not to mention there was a certain aesthetic to it, but he wasn't about to admit it out loud.)

"I think it's pretty damn funny," his Quirk whispered in his mind, before manifesting and resting an elbow on top of his head.

"And Dark Shadow also finds it humorous," Fumikage added.

And then there was the nature of his Quirk. Being the only member of the Joestar-Kūjō bloodline to possess a Quirk that even remotely resembled a Stand, Fumikage welcomed the similarities, and even made it his life's goal to carry on his family's unspoken legacy as a Pro Hero.

While it was one thing for him to be the only one to understand Dark Shadow, it was also discovered that his Quirk shared the exact same vocabulary as his ancestor Jōtarō Kūjō's Star Platinum, it placed more than a little pressure on his shoulders.

Fumikage Tokoyami had a lot to live up to.

"Fair enough," Toshinori shrugged, and a few moments of mildly-awkward silence passed before he spoke again. "Have...have things been well, so far? I understand you must be shaken up from the attack."

In all honesty, the attack hadn't been too bad, to say the least. Sure, there had been the initial fear and adrenaline rush when he and Kōda had been warped to that burning city, but Dark Shadow made quick work of the Villains that surrounded them, not to mention the various rats, insects, and other pests that helped subdue any stragglers.

Fumikage took a deep breath. "I'm mostly fine. I'm not sure about the others, but I feel mostly fine."

Toshinori just looked at him with a look of concern for a moment before he nodded. "Of course. But if you need to, you always have the choice to talk to someone about it."

At that moment, the bathroom door at the end of the hallway opened to reveal Jōshirō sporting his usual hat and long, gray coat. "By the way, Fumikage," he began. "Were you able to find anything out about your classmate during the attack?"

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