the mission

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As the master called all the hashria to his place for a talk about the mission they were going for the weekend

"Uzui and shinobu you both have to go to the entertainment district and pay geishas to find demons in the districts" as they were told that they ran to the entertainment district

"Rengoku and mitsuri you both have to find demons around the forest" as both ran off as they talk about things

"obanai and muichrio you both have to the final selection for help with strong demons"
As both ran off to the wisteria

"Giyomei an lower moon has been found not so far away from the town at night you may go" as Giyomei walked off to town nearby

"Giyuu and sanemi I left the embarrassing ones for last you both have to the entertainment district and find a sexual demon so you both have to have intercourse"

As sanemi and giyuu looked at the master in shock but they knew they had to do it so they left

When they got there they went to a wisteria house and they obviously had to dress up as a female giyuu took the role and sanemi took the male role

When they got to bedroom upstairs they locked the door as giyuu took off the robe as sanemi bit her making her bleed from her neck obviously triggering the demon since shinobu and uzui were there they saw the sexual demon and chased to the room they both were in since they were fast they hid in the room when they looked and found sanemi and a female

As uzui said "what did sanemi find a panther"

Shinobu quieted uzui

As sanemi got his dick and lathered it up and sticked it in giyuu as giyuu moaned  "ahh~shinazugawa we're trying to find a demon not for us for us to have fun"

"We can fun on the way love~" sanemi chuckled

When shinobu and uzui hear the moan they immediately thought it have giyuu until they heard his name too as both looked at both from the closet

As both kissed giyuu whimpered every 2 minutes if sanemi was going hard
"You never whimpered that much giyuu~ you usually like to be quiet but your so loud I might get used to it".

As sanemi got out a photo and showed it to giyuu saying "remember are Honeymoon how much I fucked you and you were so pretty that night this reminded me on that night as sanemi threw the paper next to the  closet as uzui snatched it to see

As sanemi got out a photo and showed it to giyuu saying "remember are Honeymoon how much I fucked you and you were so pretty that night this reminded me on that night as sanemi threw the paper next to the  closet as uzui snatched it to see

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"Damn and they did invite us that's sad 😭😭😭😭"uzui said

As they went back to see what they were doing they saw giyuu now top of sanemi moaning saying " dam~ it ~ sanemi you've gotten good I forget how good your at this ugh~~ ahh~ ahH~"

"Those are some flashy noises" uzui whispered

As shinobu rolled her eyes at uzui to hear at BOOM

A demon came in as shinobu tried to go attack uzui stopped her and said "it's their job to find that demon not us them so stay out and let them do it"

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