the only tentaja warrior part 2

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Sanemi walked in tomioka's house who in which just complained how tanjiro was just being annoying about him being the last warrior

As tomioka got close and kissed him as sanemi just looked at him in disbelief and crawled to giyuu who was only one feet way from him and got on in between giyuu's legs and touched his head to see his he was sick as giyuu pulled him closer and made sanemi sit on his lap.

As he sanemi just looked at giyuu with upset eyes just wearing his yukata and giyuu quickly untied his clothing saying "you know you seem to have the body of a female expected for your penis but we're not talking about that I'm just saying your breasts and thighs are to big for you but that's what I like about you"

As giyuu touched sanemi tits and licked one and as sanemi looked at him as giyuu moved sanemi's yukata on to the table and said "let's just leave it there not to get dirty as he got sanemi moved with him to tomioka's room as tomioka laid down as tomioka sigh to sanemi to come over as sanemi looked at him and got near he just saw tomioka with his yukata only covering his arms and as sanemi looked down got on it just felt amazing he just imagined if he were to the future wife of giyuu to feel this every day then he felt once again how giyuu kept licking him as sanemi just looked down from the top of sanemi head as he saw him lick he just stopped him and kiss him

Back with tanjiro

After tanjiro was kicked out he went straight to main part of the corp nothing but then he remembered the lady said "the main part of the corp will not contain nothing about the tentaja clan so you need to find the old headquarters of the tentaja clan and you will never find it unless you follow the northern star which appears once 5 years this year the northern star is coming for a entire week next week once night hit tanjiro saw the star and ran as fast as he could until he nearly hit himself with a building it looked big as tanjiro went inside he quickly moved inside the house as he seem to be a lot of books he quickly looked through only some parts of books were ripped
"Really" tanjiro thought And went back to the wisteria he was staying at after a short while he walked back to sanemi's estate nobody was there

As sanemi was holding giyuu but his waist and sanemi put his hands on the the floor giyuu's bed was really short
In which he just moved his waist up and down sanemi turned around and and as he touched giyuu's face and kissed him, all sanemi was thinking on how much time would it take him to rearrange he insides and cum inside then he felt him hit right there as he got he harder

"I'm going to ah~ cu- mhm~" as giyuu looked at him turned around and covered the hole in his penis with a hairpin

"Not yet until I do and when I do I Will rearranged all your insides and cum inside~"

"Oh tomioka fuck~ me harder please I wanna feel it good mhmm~"

As giyuu just kiss him and went faster as sanemi tightened as he looked down his dick was only squirting a little he was going to burst as giyuu took it out the same time as he cummed inside of him as sanemi tightened his grip when he felt the cum inside and cummed as well as after both were done giyuu just holded sanemi

sanemi just looked at giyuu and kissed him giyuu was just done fucking him but he kept making him hella horny as he went below of sanemi and then open sanemi's legs and stuffed it in sanemi had no time to react
as he went aggressively on shinazugawa as sanemi looked at giyuu who was with straight face was going faster as sanemi was just overstimulated as he wrapped his arms around giyuu as he felt it again not all the cum was got out as giyuu put it further in as sanemi moaned then they hear a door opened as giyuu got his yukata and ran to see tanjiro sanemi couldn't go his yukata was in the table so he had to want for 1 hour so he just wanted until he heard a "goodbye Mr tomioka " then a door close sanemi just sat there and thought "I just fucked with tomioka giyuu that is just great"

as he went the living room and grabbed his yukata and went to see what tomioka was doing when he said thanks on the sex and left to his estate hoping nobody saw him he doesn't think nobody saw him that good

As he made his bed and laid down and blushed then thought the day he nearly died he saw his face that night it was scary
He thanks himself for not dieing and slept

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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