running away

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One early morning I got up and packed everything I need up but quick I can't live here anymore I need to leave I can't live with my dad anymore as I heard a foot walking around it was dad as I grabbed the last thing the...


I ran out of the window as quickly as possible as heard it yell "SANEMI"

I got away...

I could feel it the Goosebumps rise dad was worse I picked him during the divorce court because well my dad would try to get try to brag me but it was really easy for a little bit child to actually pick a guy who's horrible abused his mom just tell him to find out that he's going to do the same I got away I need to go back how do I go back to Japan I'm in a little island of Japan it's going to be hard when you swim I'll call up somebody my mom dad will track me easily for my phone I need to block everything delete the whole data but that means I'll get rid of her number I can't get rid of her or mom's number

Once midnight struck it heard a twig as I turned around a young a boy my age looked at me he was bleeding or his mouth I told him are you okay he said" I'm just bleeding a little I'll be fine"as I grab the roll of bandages I wrapped it around his mouth and he told me thank you but we were walking he told me he was heading to the center of Japan the main island I said me too and going back to my mom but my dad I feel like he's tracking me

Once we go to the store of the Little Island I he told me he couldn't swim I said me neither there was an older man swimming around the lake I told him we didn't get to the main island he said it was fine just get on his boat he would take us but something didn't feel right I told him actually never mind but I'll go swimming he told me no come with me I have food water I just couldn't accept it I told the boy to try to swim

Neither one of us could swim but the man kept existing I told him to leave us alone at one point I couldn't he just couldn't accept the fact that couldn't help us so I yelled at him I'm trying something let me swim he got me my arm Along with the boy

Once we were on his boat I kind of felt a sense of relief but like I said it wasn't giving me good vibe so I just try to stay alert along with the guy he was old but I felt like something was wrong

He told me he was on the call along with his parents along with his mom his dad was out of the picture accordingly his mom had basically tricked them into believing and fake gods well obviously he at the ritual they slice his face he obviously ran off and I was like and I showed him all my scars I came for my father's abuse I don't know why but this boy seems to understand

I told him how I used to live somewhere in the shores but he's like I always live on the little Island

I promise a young boy to take him to my house once we got over there to the shores but I got a little scared of my mom would have told me to get out of here but she wouldn't right and I miss seeing her giyuumi I'm sorry

Once we got to the nearby shores the man pulled my arm and said I want you to keep an eye out your dad is a already looking of dead in the eye are you serious that guy is following me I'm going to go to my mom's house quick as possible but by the time I saw the billboards yep he knew I was going to go over here I couldn't go to her house I need to go to giyuumi's

Last time I saw her was when I was only 15 it's been 2 years since I'm now 17 she's probably 18 already or we're both turning 18 this year my birthday is just around the corner I could have spent a birthday with him abusing me as a birthday gift so I knew today was the day to leave I'm like a week to leave my birthday was like my birthday is not going to be in 2 days it sounds like I am busy confused about what the corner but but since today is basically has been today's trying to go on both walking around to see if billboards saying that we're both missing

I knew based on her house number I was pretty close I look at the next house number just to faint in front of her door the boy more like he told me his name during the ride obanai he yelled shinazugawa

Once I woke up I was in the hospital a girl with long black hair looked up at me and I look back she's began to cry instead of me your back your back how did you get back if you were all the way from Japan the her Long black hair length and her eyes I know who she was I yelled "GIYUUMI"

as i hugged her back tightly she told me she missed me so much just see a lady come in along with an older boy it was genya and said my baby you're all right what's wrong with you why you look all hut my mom cried genya looked at me with watery eyes

I miss you guys

By the way boy obanai ended up getting a room and ended up getting treated by a doctor better than me he was really hurt he got an infection on his face

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