Chapter One

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(edited August 2, 2016)


"Sammie!!!" I hear from downstairs. I go down and see my father standing there with Liz Hemmings and a luggage bag. I wave and shut the door behind me.

"Goodbye. Have a good time." I say kissing him on the cheek.

"Trying to get rid of me so soon?"

I give him that look and some of my dark brown hair falls on my face and I push it back.

"Kidding, now Remember, no boys and if you happen to go somewhere make sure to tell Liz."

"I know, I know, we wouldn't want what happened at my old school." I groan and lean against the wall. The silence killing me.

Just a short story on what happened, pretty much I was in an abusive relationship and I was a slut, I just wanted attention.

"Exactly, now I hate to run, but love you an there is some money in piggy bank, bye." He says and rushes to his car. He always had to do this. It wasn't has I hoped for my teenage years to be.

Oh, my mom?

We don't talk about it.

"OK. Liz I'm going to get my bags and the money." I say. I walk up to my room and grab my two bags and the 50 dollars from the bank and walk down.

"Are you all ready honey?" She asks.

I nod and we get into her big black SUV. We take the short drive there and we hop out. I walk straight in and I see Ben and Jack playing FIFA on the couch. They don't live here but they always are over here.

"Hey boys." I say walking past them. They hum and I go to the guest room down the hallway passing Luke's room on the way the door was slightly open and all I saw was black converse on a bed. Lazy bum. The boys are on a break type thing. Not to sure, I honestly didn't get into their music. Please don't kill me.

I go into the room and set my bag on the dresser and and change into something a bit more comfortable. I open the door and hear a loud squeal come from Luke's room. I walk in and see Michael on his back on top of Luke.

I just stand there and watch. Laughing. 5 minutes pass of them play fighting. Then Michael stands on the bed and flexes his muscles and pushes out his lips.

I blurt out a laugh and slap my hand to my mouth and Luke looks at me and jumps up and tackles me with a hug.

"Sam!! How are you?" He asks.

"Good. But you're crushing me!" I say and he let's go and I breath. Michael pinches my cheek making me slap his hand.

"Why do you do that?" I ask, reaching up fixing my nose ring.

"Why do you do that." Michael snaps back.

I pull my hand down and roll my eyes. He gets on my nerves. I wish Calum was here. He's so sweet an like a brother to me. Oh and Ashton.

"Whatever I'm tired." I say. I walk to my room and lay on the bed and my eyes slowly fall.


Hi guys this is my new 5SOS fanfic!! Woo... Okay so tell me what you think and I swear it gets better. xx

-Sydnie ❤❤

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