Chapter twelve

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Chapter twelve

Weeks past and I've been stuck in this house. I only eat two apples a day with a bottle of water and occasionally throw up.

I go to the window and watch the cars pass by. I see a car pull up and it's Calum. I smile for the first time in awhile and I rush out the door and he waves. I just run up to him and press my lips to his. He doesn't kiss back so I pull away. My smile fades as I see a red haired girl pop up smiling and grabbing his hand. I step back in shock as I feel my heart being ripped and stomped on.

"Umm Sam this is my girlfriend, Ava." He says.

"Oh sorry for tha- Um nice to meet you." I say to Ava. She is the perfect height for Calum and she's way gorgeous. Her red hair sitting just below her shoulders. Her sparkling green eyes.

"Good to meet you too." She says. Wow she seems really nice. I'm happy for Calum.

"Umm We're here for Luke. We are going shopping." Calum says.

As if on cue Luke walks out.

"Sorry I -oh." He says glancing at us.

"Oh um well have fun. I'll just go like smell the bed or make the plants." I mumble speed walking away. Wow first Calum gets a girlfriend. Then everyone goes shopping. It's like I'm back in year eight. A lonely outcast.

I walk to my room and slam the door. Tears stream my face as my back slides down the wall. I can literally feel my heart breaking as all my life oozes out like goo.

I calm down and go to my phone and pop the case off revealing the shiny razors. I sigh in relief. I pick one up and walk to the bathroom locking the door. I set it down on the sink and I sit on the tub thinking about if I should do it or not. The voices bouncing in my head.

Do it.

Calum doesn't love you, no one does.

Not even your mum.

I stand up and grab the razor. I hold it against my wrists. I push down and hiss at the forgotten contact as I repeat going faster and deeper. I lose count after 13.

I get tired and run water over the razor and stick it back into my phone case and cluck it shut. My head gets heavy as I open the door and I fall. The blood still flowing as I stare at the ceiling. This is it the last time. No more for me. I smile at the thought and breath my last few breaths. As  I whisper.

"I love you Calum Thomas Hood." As my last sentence rolls off my tongue a tear goes down and smile as my mind shuts down and I close my eyes.

Finally.......... Was the only word in my head..


There will be a sequel. I hope everyone is doing okay.

It gets better xx

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