chapter 4 - learning the kaiju and new pawn

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(3rd pov)

after there night of fun and there prosing to married each other. Jeanne and (y/n) left the tent with there clothes on as they were walking. Jeanne was having something bothered her. she tap (y/n) on the shoulder to hopefully get a answer to her question

    (y/n) - "hmm yes Jeanny?"

    Jeanne - "there been something that bothered me since i was knock out and learn the truth about what happen to you"

    (y/n) - "well what is it my dear?"

    Jeanne - "how are Viser, Raynare, Kalwaner, and Millet are alive? as far i know there should be dead. and what they mean by there not there specie anymore?"

   (y/n) - "ahhh i was wondering when you were gonna ask that. to answer your first question i revive them with my power. however the second question is a lie there still devil and fallen. in fact everyone is still there own specie however it very low"

    Jeanne - "how low and what you mean?"

    (y/n) - "you know how the devil peerage work?" *see Jeanne nod her head* "well that is kind of how it work for my revival. but instead being half and half mine for example with raynare she is 25% fallen angle and 75% kaiju. and each kaiju that is half of the other specie have different buff."

    Jeanne - "interesting what are the buff and what you been doing while i was stuck with THEM" *said them with so much hatred*

(y/n) was thinking how to explain it to Jeanne easy. cause when she learn it she was confuse still. after some talk Viser walk up to them and see if they need anything. both said no and Jeanne still have (y/n) about the buff that she mention. to which Viser heard and answer

    Viser - "oh well i know is that when you were a fallen you have a buff against devil but a weakness against angle but it natural for human and yokai"

    Jeanne - " really?! that is most interesting then what does the human and yokai even get?"

    Viser - "i don't know like idk about the other race's that are kaiju"

    (y/n) - "Viser you know you and everyone here are still your race just more kaiju right?"

     Viser - "of course i just prefer to be kaiju with you. at least you let us do our own thing when not working on a project or giving us option on mission or our role"

    (y/n) - "i try my best to give as much freedom as i can. after all when the super natural fall everyone will be free to do what ever they want"

   Jeanne - 'my wife is so perfect still thinking about other before themselves'

as the three were walking back with rias and the other they arrive at the club house to discuss what happen. most of the club member were confuse at how raynare, kalwaner, millet, and Viser got back to life and aren't devil's at all. tho Issei was mad at not getting jeanne in his harem but that the least of his problem. as Sona and her peerage left them to head to club room as they were disguised by rias and her peerage all but Saji. however nobody know that gasper and Koneko and Asia weren't happy with what saber rias and Issei did but what shock them more was what they hear.

    Rias - "beside all that happen today and the lost of jeanne i would like everyone here to meet our new pawn that will help us in most of our fight's"

    Akeno - "and who would that be Baluchi?"

as she ask that the door open and it shown that shock everyone even Issei. it was saber that walk in. as she walk in she sat next to Issei and look toward rias and ask.

    Saber - "well Baluchi what my first assailment?"

Kiba and akeno were pleasantly surprise by the new addition. but not Koneko Asia and gasper which prompt Issei to ask a obvious question

     Issei - "Baluchi why is saber a part of your peerage?"

    Rias - "well glad you ask as i had remove one of your pawn when you were sleeping to give you a surprise. which was that saber is now a devil along with the rest of us. as for you saber we need you to track down any stray that been attacking and if you see either raynare, millet, kalwaner, or Viser you are to contact either me or Sona to let us know so we can deal with them all together" 

    Saber - "you got it Baluchi" *she get up and leave*

as saber left everyone else had there part's to play but what they didn't know was a certain bird watching them and then flying off to warn their master

(i hope you enjoy this one took a bit of time to make and thing cause were at the part where idk where to take this that will lead to the end. one or two more chapter will be done after that i will ask for suggestion on what i should do after said point.)

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