Chapter 10 - Beginning of the end

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key info

(y/n) - (your name)
(f/f) - (favorite food)

"hi" - (talking)
(redected) - (author talking)
GREETING - (sacred gear)

*hitting* - (action)

'what?' - (thoughts)

(3rd pov)

destruction. there have been nothing but death and destruction since the awaking of destoroyah. many devil, angel, fallen angel, and yokai have crushed, injure, or dead due to the rampage. city's and towns destroy to point of no repair. the supernatural know if they don't stop (y/n) uncontrollable rampage then the whole world maybe gone.

right now it is the final stand for the supernatural. rias and her peerage, Sona and her peerage, the devil kings, Michel, Gabriel, azeaul, vail and his team, ophis and even great red are standing on a cliff as they watch (y/n) destroying another city.

rias - "all this death, destruction... and it all my fault. *shed a bit of tears*

Sona - "you can blame yourself later after we save MY bestfriend! *said in a annoyed and sad tone*

while they were preparing, (y/n) notice them on the cliff. she got angry as she not fully knowing who friend or foe. she started to march towards them. as they all see (y/n) matching their way. everyone ready to all launch a powerful attack to hopefully stop (y/n). everyone else that can't charge a powerful attack went and try to stall (y/n) long enough for everyone else to charge there attack.

while some that were charging wanted to end this nightmare. there are some that only wanted there friend back. one of them being saber. she realize that if she hadn't been a bitch to (y/n) and stay with her. then maybe none of this would have ever happen.

unfortunately nothing could bring (y/n) back as she easily dismantle the distraction. but as that happen. everyone launch there power attack all together. but (y/n) also fire her oxygen breath at the attack making it into a stalemate. both side struggle to gain any momentum. trees, water, building getting destroy due to the power of both attack.

Sona - sorry (y/n). see you at the other side *shed more tears*

and then everyone put everything they have to there attack. (y/n) did the same as the middle of the two attack expand. suddenly the screen turn brightly light as a massive explosion can be heard. who exactly won will be find out. but can the world survive whoever won this fight.

(ya i am back. sorry i been gone but i had a bit of a block that stop me. this chapter here is a short one but i couldn't think what else to put in it. however it isn't the end. the next chapter will reveal who won and what happen afterward. as what else will i be doing. i still got the anti grimm story i want to complete but i got more story i want to share. how would any of you feel to have a story focus on either a mother figure or a twin sibling that was betray by her family. let me know in the comments and i hope you enjoy)

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