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- Morticia -

The bell rang, and all of my students rose from their seats. They gathered their supplies and chattered as they headed toward the door. I smiled at anyone who looked my way. Most didn't.

Once my classroom was empty, I sighed and turned toward the blackboard. Intro to Botany wasn't known for being a very engaged crowd. My passion was for the more advanced courses, such as Carnivorous Plants or Advanced Toxicology. The students who filled my classroom in those courses shared my passion for the macabre side of nature. However, part of my position was teaching necessary, although not very entertaining classes to students who didn't care about them.

I opened up the small refrigerator and pulled out some plant food. I was experimenting with different types of meat. Today, I was trying out cold zebra loin. I took my fork and fed each plant with the utmost tenderness and care. Then, once I had finished, I went downstairs to feed myself.

The lunch hall was packed, as usual. Students and professors alike were excitedly talking with one another. I filled up my tray, and quietly sat down at the end of the teacher's table, in my usual spot. I pulled out one of my favorite books: Jane Eyre. It was tattered and worn. It had been through some tough times. Throughout most of my life, this book, along with a few others, had brought me great comfort.

"By Jove! You're reading Bronte as well!" a boisterous voice rang out amongst the chaos of the dining hall. I jumped and looked up. In front of me was an unfamiliar face. That was quite unusual. There were hardly ever any new faces at Holmwood Academy, and none of those few newcomers ever spoke to me.

"Y-yes," I finally managed to squeak. "It's one of my favorites."

"That's wonderful!" he replied, eyes wide. "It's one of mine too."

He sat himself down next to me. I was too shocked to speak. I just stared at him, taking in his appearance. He had dark hair with a full mustache. He wore a strange striped suit with a pocket watch. Even stranger than his odd clothing was his energy. He was excited and completely at ease, even though he was conversing with a stranger.

I looked down at myself. I was timid and tense. My black hair was in a tight braid down my back. I was pale and thin. My clothes were too large on me, which only made me look even thinner than I was. I wore an ugly combination of oversized dresses and sweaters. I arranged them the best way that I could to make them fashionable, but with such limited resources, there wasn't much I could do. In summary, there wasn't a thing about me that should have pulled this man over, even if he liked my book.

"Gomez Addams," he introduced himself, extending his hand to me. "I just started this morning. I'm the new law professor."

"Morticia Frump," I whispered, shaking his hand. "Professor of botany."

"Botany!" he exclaimed. "Why, you might be just the person that I need to help me with my next case. Do you happen to have any familiarity with carnivorous plants?"

My eyes widened, and I couldn't help but be drawn into the conversation.

"Why, yes," I replied. "Carnivorous plants are my specialty."

"Perfect!" he exclaimed, growing even more excited, which I didn't think was possible. "You'll help me then?"

"Oh!" I was taken aback. I didn't know what to do. On one hand, I didn't build relationships with anyone on staff if I could help it. On the other, I was truly fascinated by this man and the assignment that he was talking about. I couldn't help but be excited by his offer. I gave in to my curiosity.

"I'll do what I can," I agreed, nodding my head.

He beamed, and I gave a small smile too.

"When are you free?" he asked. "My plan period is right after lunch. We could start then!"

I hesitated. My plan period was also after lunch, but I knew that I couldn't dedicate it to this project, no matter how much I wanted to. She would be expecting me, and I knew better than to turn her down.

"I can't do after lunch, but how about after dinner, once the students have all gone to their dorms?" I suggested. "The library is usually very quiet then. It would be an ideal place to work."

"Spectacular idea!" he exclaimed. Just then, the bell rang signaling the end of the lunch period.

I stood up hurriedly and gathered my things.

"I'll see you tonight, friend!" he beamed at me, in no rush to leave. He seemed bound and determined to enjoy everything to its fullest extent.

Friend? I was taken aback. I walked away before he had the chance to address me again.

I made my way back to my classroom to gather myself before I went to my meeting. I looked in the small mirror that I kept in my desk. I looked flushed and my eyes were bright. I tried to compose myself, but I couldn't seem to make any headway. I prayed that she wouldn't notice.

I made my way to her office, but hesitated before knocking. I took a deep breath and reminded myself that the sooner I knocked, the sooner this would be over. I rapped the door gently, and took a step back.

"Enter!" I heard her bark.

I stepped inside and saw her at her desk. Headmistress Saunders was a tall woman with a stern face. She wore clean-cut clothing that coordinated well with the colors of the students' uniforms.

"I'm here for my progress report, when you're ready, madam," I spoke as clearly as I could. I held my head high and fought the urge to fidget with the stacks of papers that I was carrying.

"Very well, then," she answered, motioning for me to sit. I took the seat in front of her desk, and handed her the top paper in my stack.

"Here are the grades from last quarter," I explained. "As you can see, the Intro to Botany class has made large improvements, and in the Advanced Toxicology class, no student earned lower than a B."

I was proud of the work that my students were doing, and I could tell that she was impressed.

"I'm glad to see something better than your usual mediocre work," she replied. Her words were harsh, but that was the closest thing that she'd ever given me to a compliment. I refused to allow her to dampen my mood.

"However," I continued. "My Carnivorous Plants students are meant to begin their African Strangler unit next week. Normally, I would give each student a strangler to care for as part of their coursework. Unfortunately, I don't have enough baby stranglers to pass one out to every student."

I could tell that she was growing tired of our conversation already. I hurriedly continued.

"So, I was hoping that I may be permitted to take the students to a nursery where we can purchase new stranglers as a class." I suggested. "While we're there, we might even-"

I didn't get a chance to finish what I was saying.

"Out of the question," she barked, fixing me with a stare that told me not to argue with her.

My heart sank. I had so hoped that if she was impressed with the students' progress, she may allow us to go.

"Very well, headmistress," I replied, trying not to show my disappointment on my face. "I'll send away for some instead. If they don't come in time, I'll rearrange the class structure until they arrive."

She wasn't listening anymore, and I knew that it was time for me to leave. I slowly and quietly stood up.

"Thank you for your time, madam," Again, I tried to speak clearly, even though my confidence had wilted away. She acknowledged me with a grunt, and I turned to leave.

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