"-and make sure to get everything done by the next Monday! " "Yeeeees." "Alright, you can leave now."
No sooner did Miss Ori said these words, than the students began to rush out of the class. Fourth was the first one to leave the room, had his bag packed ten minutes before. Scurrying through the hallways, apologizing to everyone he bumped into, he ran as fast as he could.
Fourth was in a hurry.
Gemini didn't come to school today afterall.
Who would've thought that after their so called 'water fight' during the rain shower last night, he'd end up in bed- so sick and unable to move a muscle??
The walk from home to school was about a 25 to 30 minute one and considering the speed Fourth ran back with, it took him only 15 minutes to reach the gate. They didn't live together, one could call them neighbours instead. Panting heavily, Fourth opened the door to Gem's place and was greeted by his mom. "He's upstairs in his room, woke up a few minutes ago," she knew exactly why Fourth had come over. Nodding at her with a small smile and bowing slightly to greet her with both hands joined, he rushed upstairs again, "Gem!! Are you alright?! I'm ba-"
He was interrupted by Gemini opening the door to his room. "Welcome back, why're you pa-"
Fourth gulped. Every word that Gemini spoke was just falling onto deaf ears. Fourth couldn't focus. How could he ?? The sick Gemini infront of him looked absolutely gorgeous- the droplets of sweat on his forehead, his crimson red flushed cheeks, those kissable lips, the way his clothes were sticking to him. The moment the door opened, Fourth was hit by a wave of smell- Gemini's and he swears on the most expensive, most desirable thing he has ever wanted in his life, that nothing in the world has a better fragrance than Gemini.
"Oh God," he thought to himself as he got himself back together.
"I asked you why're you panting so hard- did you run?!" Gemini asked again.
"Well, yeah. I was worried you know," Fourth answered casually as he put his school bag away and sat on the bed, signaling Gem to sit beside him.
Gem followed. He was touched by Fourth's loving and caring nature towards him. Ever since they were little kids, things always happened this way. Fourth had better immunity than him and would thus get away with random mischief like playing in the rain and throwing mud at eachother with a cold or stomachache, unlike Gemini of course. And therefore, he'd always he there to care for him, like today too.
Fourth was about to check Gemini's temperature when he was pulled into a hug, a tight one.
"What's wrong ? Is everything alright ?" He asked. "Mmm- nothing. I just wanna hug my best friend, can't I ??" Gemini answered, with his arms wrapped around his 'best friend's' waist and his head resting on his right shoulder. Fourth just figured Gem was being this way because of his sickness and hugged him back for comfort, "it's alright, you'll be fine soon," it was probably just a moment of weakness.
"Alright, get up now. You're sticky with all this sweat. Go take a bath," Fourth said, helping Gem up and pushing him towards the bathroom, "we have quite the number of assignments piled up for this week. So you better get well soon, idiot."
The week passed by pretty soon. Gemini was perfectly fine now, his usual weird self. His assignments were complete- courtesy of Fourth of course and now they were ready to head to school together, finally.
As they reached towards their classroom, Fourth suddenly held Gem back, tugging on his sleeve. Gemini raises his eyebrows, wondering what was wrong. "Your seat changed," Fourth said. "What?!?!" "Like I said, your seat changed. We aren't sitting together anymore!!"
Gem couldn't believe what he was hearing. Now why would his seat- on which he had been sitting for almost half a year- change all of a sudden. Fourth understood his facial expression almost immediately and answered his unasked question, "Well, you hadn't come to school for the past week so Ma'am just decided to let someone else sit with me instead."
"Urghhhhhhh," Gem thought to himself as he sat on the new seat assigned to him. His inner self was in a fit of frustration and disbelief right now. They always sat together! And their class teacher knew it perfectly well.
It's not like Fourth was his only friend. On the contrary, Gemini was quite popular. He had the looks after all. It will definitely not take him too long to befriend whoever he'll have to sit with from now on but- but! He'd much rather sit with Fourth.
He couldn't understand this irritation inside his brain. In comparison, whenever he looked up at Fourth during classes, it seemed like he wasn't bothered at all- so normal as if he was used to it. Used to staying away from him. Used to not seeing him beside himself during classes. Why was he laughing away so happily with another guy-?? Fourth has other friends too, he doesn't necessarily need him all the time. "Am I the one overreacting?" He'd think to himself, "I just wanna sit with my best frie-"
Oh. That's right. They're best friends.
And best friends always stick together.
"Ah- " Gemini was relieved now that he knew the answer, " I have him all to myself at home, this much distance is nothing," he wondered with a glimpse of pride on his face.
The first chapter- what do you think-?? It's just a small introduction to their personalities and where they stand in their relationship.
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In Goddess Anya, we believe.
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