Chapter 1

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AN: A little note before beginning this story idea is not mine. Another writer on Wattpad challenged me to write this story and post it on Wattpad. They are the one who gave me the story and the plot, I am just putting it into words.  Juubi-magi0327 is the one who challenge me to do this so you should really check their content out.

Out.. I'm finally out. It took a while but I am finally away from the toxic environment that was slowly killing me from the inside out.


You must be confused. You see, I was in a toxic environment with my family to the point they thought that I was the bad child, but, that was so far from the truth. I didn't know that back then but now, I am more aware then I was.

How did the toxic environment grow you ask? It actually started when I was born. You see, I have 10 sister in total and I was the only boy. This caused my parents to think O would be tougher then the rest of my sisters but they forgot that I was still a kid, a literal child.

But that didn't matter to them. What mattered was that I was a boy so it would be ok to neglect me, well, at least on their eyes.

Over time, the toxicity of the situation grew and grew to the point where all my sisters began to take after them. Well, except Lily. Bless her heart she was a pure baby that I spend majority of my time with.

Anyways, the toxic environment that was growing got to the point where my sister would get away with beating me up with fists and throwing me down with words. It was painful both physically and mentally.

"Go away Stinlkon"

"No one wants you"

"Why dont like a fly and buz off before I smack you"

"Lincoln, take a good look at us, and then look at yourself on the mirror. You will never love up to the standards of this family."

It was those words specifically that stabbed me in the back and shattered my heart to millions of tiny shards that prick out of my body trying to get out. The worst part is that I believed those words. For years I, believed the words that my supposed family told me.

Then I went to that one softball game, and somehow... somehow, everything got even worse then it already was. Somehow, the toxic environment I was in became pure poison that slowly is withering me away.

Bad Luck.

Bad Luck.

I was labeled Bad Luck like any other package and left outside to freeze but I wasn't going to be taken in like a normal package because I was Bad Luck.

I didn't get a hot l, healthy meal like all my sisters, because I was Bad Luck.

I didn't get a warm room to sleep in because I was Bad Luck.

Everyone believe what Leni said. I was already known as the bad child because of my parents and the new lable isolated me from people and events. People leave the moment they see me because I was Bad Luck.

My parents were afraid of me causing bad luck inside the house, so they kicked me out and wanted me to sleep in the dog house. I guess I am a dog to them in their eyes. No. I am probably lower then a dog to them.

The words were circling in my head while I was sitting in the front steps. The rest of the family were out having dinner at a restaurant for Lynn. Id ont remember what the name of the restaurant was but when they left they made it clear I was not to leave the premisis of the house.

I hated it.

That is when an old loud voice rang out and snapped me out of my daze,"HEY LOUD WHAT YOU DOING OUTSIDE FOR?"

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