Chapter 3

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"Young one"


"Young one, please open your eyes."

"Ugh.. but I don't want to."

"How on earth did the master think that this boy would be a good successor!?"

Opening my eyes I slowly sit up and put my hand to my head. I feel like my head is going to split open. Trying to calm the headache I have, I start to grip the ground before realizing something. My room doesn't have grass. Taking my hand off my face and looking up my eyes open in shock at the sight before me.

The sight in front of me showed buildings of different heights both in Chinese and Japanese styles. The architecture was refined and detailed and the paths that connected all the buildings had rocks with symbols carved into them. That doesn't begin telling the sight of nature around. The trees rustled with the wind and the light was showering down on me. Where am I?! Looking around I noticed that there was no one else enjoying the sight in front of me.

 Where am I?! Looking around I noticed that there was no one else enjoying the sight in front of me

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(pretend there are no people)

"You're in Kamar-taj, home of the former master of mystics and now, your new training grounds." Looking around I tried to find the source of the voice but there was nothing.

"Geez, if the boy can't even see us then what is the point of trying to train him?" Another voice echoed and again I looked around but didn't see anyone. Finally squinting my eyes I begin to see two faint glows in the trees.

"See, he found us which means he has potential. You shouldn't doubt the will of the former master." One of the voices, a female from the sound of it, berates the other. Then something flies down from the tree giving me a clear look.

When getting a closer look at it I realize it is a spirit in the shape of a flame. This specific one was blue and seemed to be the female voice that has been talking this whole time. "Welcome young one, from today on you'll be trained in the ways of the former master of this realm."

Shaking my head in shock I feel another burst of wind before seeing another spirit take place. This one was a red flame that must be the other voice," Even if this kid is able to see us why would we want another master?"

The blue spirit seemed to glow a bit brighter at those words before dimming again," Might I remind you that the former master asked us to train the young one? Or did you choose to ignore the master in his dying breaths?"

Master? Whose the former master? I was so confused by the entire ordeal and the yelling happening between the two spirits was not helping with my splitting headache. "Please, if you two are going to argue do it away from me. Your yelling is too much of a headache to deal with." There was silence before I looked up, the two spirits seemed to be stunned since neither of them was talking.

Taking the opportunity I speak up again," And what do you mean train to be the new master, I am human. I can't exactly do anything special." The blue spirit seemed to snap out of the stupor before getting right in my face," You were human but now you are something else. You no longer need to worry yourself about the boundaries of a mortal life since you are the trainee of the former master of this realm."

Staring back at it I questioned," But I don't even know anyone who is in from this place?"

The red spirit, who has been silent finally spoke up," You don't need to know someone. You have the former master's mark in your eye. Take a look in the water for yourself."

Not wanting to believe the spirits I go to the pond nearby before looking at my reflection. They're right, my left eye is gold with a strange symbol in it while my right eye is normal. What on earth happened?

"You see kid. That symbol in your left eye is the symbol of the former master of this realm. When someone is chosen to become the new master that symbol appears in their eye."

"But you don't have to worry about showing it in front of your family. The symbol only shows in front of nonhumans or when you enter this realm. So you have nothing to hide from your family."

Nodding my head in understanding I look down. This must have happened when I tried to save Danny from the portal. I must have gotten marked when I got electrocuted. If that's the case, then the voice I heard then, was that of the former master? Or was that something completely different?

All of a sudden a wave of pain entered my head again and groaning loudly I put my hand to my head. It feels like my head is splitting into two.

"Young one it seems like you are going to be waking up in the mortal realm soon." Turning my head toward the spirit I tried answering but more pain entered my head.

"Kid, you ain't ready to be in this realm yet. Your body is still trying to accept and adapt to the magic in your eye." The red spirit talked but I could barely hear it.

"Don't worry young master, you'll be back in this realm the next night. In fact, every night you'll be back in this realm until you are strong enough to open a portal to this realm." still hardly able to focus I try my best to listen. " Until your body is fully adapted to the magic though you'll have those headaches."

Gold started to fill my vision before I heard the blue spirit continue," Until next time young master, we'll see you then for training." By the time the blue spirit was done, I was long gone from that realm but that doesn't mean the spirits were.

"Do you really think the former master made the right choice?"

" In all honesty, I don't know. I do however know that this young boy will either be our greatest savior or the biggest calamity."

Words: 1018

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