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We lost... not the game but already many of our pieces. Well, not OUR pieces, blacks pieces. Blacks chess-figures. Blacks rook on the left side of the board, both of blacks Knights, it's light bishop, and 3 of my fellas, pawns. I'm still standing on h5. Well, at least white also lost figures. Not as many of them got slaughterd as my team mates til now, but at least there only up one pawn and lost both of there bishops. How exactly the chess board looks now I can't tell ya. So, I could, but it would cost us and in perticular me a lot of time. I don't have verry much of that. Who ever decides the ongoing of this game doesn't pause, just so I can tell or how ever communitate to you what happens here. A few moves have passed since the opening till now. At least you now know wich color lost wich pieces. That has to be enough for now. Plus, here commes the next move, it is whites turn.

Pawn to c5, building a pawn chane from a3 to there, attached to blacks chane from d6 till e7 (yes, it is a pawn chane out of only two pawnes).
Black, pawn to c5. The black pawn brutaly kicks the white one of of the board. A nasty ,crack' is to be heard, as it lands, head first, next to the game and a line of dark red blood droopes from it's mouth, in how far my kind has mouthes, and in how far a pieces of Wood can bleed. But what I now definetly know, cause I heard it, is, that it' neck snaped by the landing, in how far it even has a neck. Now it is laying with his other dead fellas.

White, pawn to c5, taking revenge for there lost mate. The black pawn gets it's head cracked open, by what ever I have absolutly no idea, and it's not existing brain creaping it's way out through the scrapes. Then it also getes shoved of the board, to where a pile of already desiesed black chess figures lay.
Black, pawn to c5. A nother avange. Now the loss of pawnes for black and white is the same. 
White, knight to e5, into the offence.

Black, queen e5, big mistake, right into the trap...

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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