Mirror Of Desire

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a/n: 3rd year then time skip to 5th year then time skip to 7th year (yessir)

Based off of a part from this creator: cxddls

And phones are allowed in Hogwarts mk (Mr. Mackey | South Park)

Draco's POV:

I was wandering around the halls one night when I randomly saw a strange mirror sitting there. I walked up to it and read the strange writing on it "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi" "What the hell does that mean?" Without hesitation I pulled out my phone, and took a picture. I then looked into the mirror to see none other than y/n the girl of my dreams, standing behind me. Wait- behind me... but when I turn around there's no one around. Huh? I take a closer look at the mirror and realize that the writing is backwards. I go to the photo I took and put in mirror mode. And that's when it all made sense. The photo revealed what it said "I show not your face but your hearts desire" that's why I saw y/n. I geuss I really do fancy her.

~~~~~~~ (5th year)

Your POV:

I was really bored when classes ended. I got out earlier than everyone else because last, all I had was a free period. I decided to wander around the castle and just do.. well, nothing. Or at least, that was the plan. Out of nowhere I saw Malfoy, suspiciously walking towards a room I had never seen before. I followed him, since I have nothing else to do. I saw him stand in front of a mirror and jus- wait. That's no ordinary mirror... THATS THE MIRROR OF ERISED!!! I wonder what he sees. probably not me.. he sits there for a minute, smiling at the reflection. What is he thinking about?

Draco's POV:

Her reflection... as beautiful as ever. I couldn't help but smile at her. "Oh y/n, you will never stop being my hearts desire." "What..?" SHIT. I know that voice... ITS HER! "Y-Y/n.. I-I" I heard her laugh quietly, yet it was still angelic. "Is it true?" OF COURSE IT IS I FANCY YOU SO MUCH! wait, calm down, say it subtly. "Of course it is... I-I MEAN..." this time her laugh a bit louder and sweet. "Calm down Romeo." "Sorry, look it's true I just I wanted to tell you differently and more confidently... I guess I jus-" I was cut off by her lips pressing against mine. And obviously I happily returned this kiss.

"How long?" She says teasing me. "Since first year love." I pulled her in for a hug and kissed her head. "Wait y/n. I'm curious, what do you see in the mirror?"

Your POV:

"Wait y/n. I'm curious, what do you see in the mirror?" Oh no.. " it's not important..." " just tell me love." I pull away to see and that's when I just want to cry. Draco sees me get teary eyed and hugs me once again. He comforts me. Shushing me and whispering. I give in and start crying into  his chest. "What did you see?" He says as soon as I stop crying and calm down. "I-I s-saw... my best friend that d-died a year ago." (Maybe I'll make that an imagine) I'm not crying anymore but I'm just, staring at the ground being ... sad. "Come here" I hug Draco and he carries me (bridal style) to my dorm.

~~~~~~ (7th year)(stop here if you don't want a sad ending)

Draco's POV:

One last time before they move it, I Look into the mirror of erised. Y/n sits next to me, grabs my hand, and rests her head on my shoulder. I look at her deeply in the mirror. "I love you so much" I reach for her shoulder until I realize... that there's nothing there. "I'm so sorry I couldn't save you in time." And at that her reflection disappears. Leaving me alone in a room sobbing. And this time y/n couldn't come to comfort me.


SORRY NO HAPPY ENDING! But to be far I warned you myself. Anyways, bye besties and thanks for the support and time to read this. see ya in the next one!

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