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House: *AHEM* 🦁 Gryffindor bish (my house 💪)

Year: 6th like duh 

Blood: half or muggle (Bc it don't make sense with pure)

Anyways so I know barely any people will read this but tbh idgaf 

F/n = friends name (random, but me personally, I would pick Cassie)


Your relationship with your boyfriend is going on to be 2 years next week and you aren't as excited as you should be. Oh, and by the way your boyfriend is THE Draco Malfoy. The golden trio didn't approve of him, especially not Harry, but they saw how happy he made you. Well, he used to make you happy. But now he was so.. distant. Anyways, you were sitting in class with your bestie, hermione .

Your POV:

Me and Hermione were sitting in class when she noticed I wasn't paying attention and just staring into space. "Y/n/n, are you ok?" Hermione whispered. "Uhm, yeah just.. thinking." I whispered back. "You need to talk to him y/n. Things won't get better on their own." "I know, it's just. Look, let's talk about it later." Hermione nodded. I really don't want to talk about it but maybe she's right.


"Hey y/n" I turned around to see Hermione running up to me at the Gryffindor table. "hey" I said quietly. "Malfoy's staring." I turned around. Why would Draco be staring at me? He looked back at his food immediately. Ugh... why can't we just talk like normal couples. "You should talk to him. He isn't coming to you anytime soon, so just say something or at least sit with him. SOMETHING." maybe Hermione's right. We need to talk, and for that to work, one of us needs to say something. "Look I- I'm just gonna go to my dorm." "Without eating?" " I lost my appetite..." I say walking away staring down at the floor.

Draco's POV:

I saw y/n walk out of the great hall with a glum face. "I got to go mate" I say as I feel Blaise pull my sleeve down. "Sorry mate your 'scar' was showing." Blaise winks at me. He's the only one I've told. I ran after y/n down the corridor. "Y/n!" Her face, I expected to light up when she saw me, but instead she looked down at the ground avoiding my gaze. "Hey Draco, what are you doing here?" She said so quietly I could barely hear her. "You look upset, what's up?" She finally looked up at me. "Oh nothing aside from the fact that my boyfriend has been avoiding me and my best friend is not leaving me alone. But you know other than that I'm better than ever." She looks at me, smiling sarcastically and then starts to walk off. But I stop her by standing in front of her.

(This is no one's pov Bc I want it to be in the middle)

"Y/n you think I want to avoid you?" Draco says worryingly

"It sure seems like it" you look up again and raise your voice just a bit

"Well I don't. I'm just going through some things-"

"Then let me help you!" You look at Draco, holding back the tears

"It's not that simple!"

"Really? But it's simpler to leave your girlfriend behind?" You say not realizing you let go of the tears 

"I'm not leaving you! I just want to protect you!" Draco says. raising his voice a little now

"Oh well great job! I have been trying to talk with you for the longest time and you act as if you don't want me!" You say now fully crying

"WELL MAYBE I DON'T!" Draco says trying to take in what he had just said

You stare for a moment not mad, sad, scared or anything. Just confused

"Fine. Then I'll just leave since you, CLEARLY DONT NEED ME ANYMORE!" You yell. tears streaming down your face 

"Y/n, I just-" a single tear escaping Draco's eyes 

"Save it." You say and walk away to your dorm.


It had been a week since Draco broke it off and you two were at your worst. You didn't eat or sleep well and you came with VERY light makeup and not to flashy hair. Draco barely ate or slept too and stopped hanging out with his friends. It was now your free period and you decided to go to the astronomy tower to clear your head.

Your POV:

I sat there. Starting at the view as a single tear fell from my right eye. The wind blowing through my hair. Leaving me a bit cold. "Y/n?" I turn around only to see Draco staring at me. "Sorry, I'll go. I didn't know you were going to come up here." I say as I stand up. "Wait..." I feel Draco grab my hand and I turn around. "What." I say so quietly that I'm not even sure if he heard me. "Can we... talk?" I nodded with tears in my eyes. 

(We'll do this for when it's in the middle ig) :  XxX


Draco just got straight to the point

"Y/n, look, I didn't break up with you on purpose I swear I did it because I want to protect you from this!"

He rolls up sleeve and you stare for a minute

"I did it for your safety, because if they  found out about you they would kill you because of your blood and house." He said grabbing your hand again

"But I promise I was forced to-"

Draco stopped when you hugged him and he held you tightly

Draco's POV:

When she hugged me my heart broke because I could tell she missed me. I hugged back tightly and as I did so, she gave in and started sobbing into my chest. I kissed her head as I remembered how much I missed her embrace. "I'm so sorry love..." She cried more now and I just held her. "It's ok I-I just M-missed you." "I know baby, come on let's just go get you comfy" she nodded as we started to walk to her dorm.

Your POV:

When we got to the common room Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood there FURIOUSLY. they saw your tear stained face and lost it. "SERIOUSLY MALFOY YOU MADE HER CRY?!" Harry said thinking about what he was going to do to Draco. "No you nitwit. That's not why she's crying." Draco responded looking into eyes as you leaned against him. "No need for explaining! I'll take her to bed. Thank you Malfoy." Hermione interrupted. You took her hand and waved to Draco as he left you view up the stairs. 

Draco's POV:

Y/n waved at me until she left my sight. "See pottah"( PoTtAh! LMFAO *Ahem* anyways) "whatever mate just go" Harry said as I walked out of their common room smiling to myself, happy I got my girl back.


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