Hogwarts Slut

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BRUH. besties I have had so much writers block so literally I sat at my desk for probably like 15 minutes straight, thinking of what to make this chapter about. So literally if it sucks.... I'm sorry I was rushing and was thinking while writing. Anyways yeah. Enjoy <3

House: Hufflepuff

Year: 6th (no moldy voldy)

Blood: any

Your POV:

Right, here we go. I'm y/f/n and my love life is WRETCHED. I'm a 6th year Hufflepuff, and have had, like five boyfriends? UGHH. I HATE BOYS. Let me explain. My first boyfriend (in 4th year), used me to get to my ex best friend. So when I broke it off with him, I was depressed. That's when my second boyfriend came to help me, but, turns out he had a side chick. Third boyfriend, he was kinda toxic, and well abusive. But I mean, at this point, I was desperate. So after him leaving him, boyfriend number four came around. 'Yay! Maybe he's the one!' PSYCH. He thought I was to emotional. Make sense when you, DUMPED MULTIPLE BOYS! But hey, what do I know? Finally last boyfriend, he was ok, but used me for my brains.

So... yeah. He we are now. Me being the slut of Hogwarts. Boys using me, girls despising me, and I'm on the urge of committing. If you know what I mean. I mean I don't have any friends, my family wouldn't care, and everyone hates me. What have I got left to lose?

Anyways, sorry being a bore. I have class now so... bye?


Y/n closed her diary and got up from her bed. She quickly put her uniform on, grabbed her bag, and ran to potions class.

When she got there, everyone had already arrived and stared as she ran through the door out of breath.

"Miss y/l/n, five minutes and nineteen seconds late." Snape said, not even looking at the girl. "Must I give you, more, detention?"

"No professor, sorry, I lost track of time." Y/n said as she walked to her seat in the back of the classroom.

She sat alone, as none of the students wanted to sit with the Hogwarts slut. But she didn't mind. She was used to it anyways.

When she sat down. She didn't even notice there was someone beside her, until they spoke up, causing her to jump.

"Hello, y/l/n." That voice, recognizable to anyone.

Draco Malfoy.

"Did I say you could sit next to me, y/l/n?" He asked as y/n was calm enough to say something.

"No, but if you didn't notice, which you probably didn't, I always  sit here." She said, a bit annoyed. But yet a look of confusion was clear. "You can move if you want. There's other seats."

Draco looked to y/n, with a smug look on his face. "I would if I could. But the professor said this morning before you came, that wherever we sit now is or seat for the remainder of the year. I took it because it was empty. Until you came."

Ugh. I hate him. Bullying the dumb Hufflepuff girl. Y/n thought.

Y/n focused back on the lesson. "Whatever. Just leave me alone."


Draco's POV:

It was the end of classes and I decided to walk around the courtyard since it was empty. Or so I thought. I was walking around and saw only one other person in the whole courtyard. Y/n y/l/n. She was sitting alone, reading, what I believe to have been Romeo and Juliet. 

Y/n has always been lonely. No friends, I would assume her family doesn't care, since she stays here for Christmas, and everyone bullies her. I do to. But I honestly feel bad for her. I just don't know how to show her I care. Plus, I don't want to look vulnerable.

"Hello y/l/n." She looked at me like she was scared. dammit. I'm Draco Malfoy, of course she's scar- wait y/n has never been scared of me. why now?  "You alright?" She looked back down at her book and started grabbing her things to leave. "Uh- im fine. j-just leaving." She quickly grabbed her stuff and started walking away. She stopped as soon as she was a good distance from me. "Oh and if you're worrying about me, maybe tell your girlfriend to leave me alone." Girlfriend? I don't have a-  wait. Parkinson. I hate her.

No kidding. Lololol. Sorry but part 2 soon. Anyways. The funny thing is I was watching prisoner of askaban and goblet of fire while making this Bc July 31st Happy B-day Harry Potter!  So it was hard to focus lmao. Btw don't mind the name I uhhhhh. Yeah. But I'm gonna be trying to include the other three houses for you guys and not just slytherin so. Yeah pt 2 coming soon! Bye besties! <3

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