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Bellas POV

              After a few days, I felt better, I couldn't stop smiling. Me and Jacob have been friends for a while however I finally gave him a chance, and we have been together for about two weeks now. He made my life full again and brought a smile to my face. However, for a few days, he has been acting weird, and my thoughts keep bringing bad thoughts into my head. About two days ago he seemed upset about something, it worried me however I put it aside because anytime I would ask, he would shrug it off. My thoughts finally stopped as I pull outside Jacobs's house, turning off the car I got out grabbing my bag. Opening the door, I hear a female giggle; I slowly make my way in curious about who was there. I follow the noise to Jacobs's room, the giggles getting louder, as I listen carefully, I recognize the voice. Angela's voice? Why would Angela be in jakes room? I open the door to see Angela sitting on Jacob's lap as he kisses down her neck. I let the door go, squealing the rest of the way open, which caught both of their attention. Jacobs's eyes go wide as Angela covers her mouth. I let a few tears fall as I rush out the door to my truck, I hear Jacob's voice from behind me shout.

"Bells, please come back let us explain."

         I turn around looking at him wiping my tears off as I notice the pack coming out from the trees in front of Jacobs's house. I let out a whimper looking anywhere but Jacobs's eyes as my tears start flowing more as I spoke with a broken voice. When a small little second, I feel my emotions get the best of me.

"Fuck you, Jacob, I trusted you. You told me you loved me and said you would never hurt me as Edward did. But you just hurt me worse than Edward. Cheating on me with my best friend good ex-best friend now. Angela, I fucking hate you, you knew I was with Jacob together, yet you fucking did this fuck both of you."

         At that second all my emotions were hitting me hard drying up my tears and trying to be strong. I knew this hurts I knew I should have not trusted this. At that moment I didn't even think before I turned to the rest of the pack as I swallow hard speaking softly.

"Forget about protecting me from Victoria don't bother."

       I knew that Victoria would surely kill me, however at that moment I didn't care. As of right now, nothing mattered to me I felt numb. It was their fault I couldn't stand the looks on the pack's faces, especially Leah's. The look on Leah's face looked like she wanted to tell me something, it looked like she could relate to me. Then it hit me like a rock, he imprinted on her.... but even if he did, he could've told me, but he didn't. He cheated and Angela was ok with doing it. Sam spoke up softly as he showed pain in his face.

"Bella please I know what Jake did was bad, he shouldn't have gone with the things he did. But please let us protect you, you could die." 

          I shook my head tears spilling out my eyes. I knew the pack cared for me after I moved on from Edward. But Jake was one of them I couldn't stay here with him around. I didn't want to I could not handle that. Seeing them be happy in front of me knowing what they did to me. I spoke again my voice becoming sadder by the second.

"No, I'm sorry but I can't I am not part of this pack. I'll figure something out just I can't stay here with them."

          What shocked me next wasn't who spoke it was what he said.

"You're still packed even if Jacob cheated on you with that slut. We care for you please don't leave us because of his stupid ass choices."

       Paul was the one I never thought would say something like that to me. But he did I smiled softly at them as I turned around getting into my truck softly speaking enough for them to hear.

"I have to I'll break more if I don't I care for all of you I won't ever forget you guys ever I love you all."

          I start my car driving off as I see the wolves shift into their wolf forms following me to the treaty-like howling. It sounded sad, but I couldn't stay they knew it too. It hurt to leave these people after all they have done. They were my brothers and sisters. I would miss the fun times, but this was not something I would change my mind on maybe further in the future but right now I had to go somewhere. After the treaty line, I knew that they understood I was not turning around. I see them slowly stop watching my car take off into Forks with Seth and Paul trying to follow but I guess Sam ordered them to stay put I cried. Cried for what I had seen, cried for having to leave them behind, crying because I was broken.

         After I pulled into my house got out as I wiped my eyes off went inside heading straight to my room, I grabbed my two suitcases and a small duffle bag out of my closet. Packing up all my clothes, bathroom things, my small items like my laptop closed all my bags grabbing my money box, that I had saved my work money from, and my dad gave me. I smiled at the thought even if my dad didn't see me much, he still saved money for college. I frowned shortly after this thought; I was having to leave him not because I wanted to.... no... it was because I didn't want him to see me like this ever. I walked down the stairs with my stuff, and I sit down at the table writing a small letter for my dad.

                Dear dad,

                               I'm sorry but by the time you get home, I will not be here. Today I found out Jacob was cheating on me with Angela, I could not stand to be anywhere near here. But I promise I will be safe I have enough money until I get to where I'm going. I will start a small life there of my own, I promise to call you as soon as I get there. Wherever that may be, I promise to visit you as soon as I get settled. I won't tell you where I am I'm not sure if you will tell Billy and he might tell Jake and his friends. I don't want you to think this is your fault I'm leaving it's not I promise.

                                                               Love you always Dad  -Bella 

        I put the note on the fridge looking around one last time as I headed outside, got in my truck dried my tears, and headed off to the airport to start a new journey. I may not know where I am going however I know I'll make it, I can't stay here not anymore. Too many painful memories to wake up to. A new life a new place, a new house, and a new me. I relaxed into my seat turning on the music and thinking of things I need to do. Smiling softly as I relaxed more but tensed as I hear wolves howl in the distance. 

          I knew it was the wolf pack...Charlie was supposed to be home and if I knew anything, I knew my dad called Billy to question him or yell at him about Jake. That I knew had happened now because the wolf's howls are getting closer, they were trying to follow me. I let my tears slide down my cheek slowly as I whimpered, sad because I knew they didn't think I meant to leave as in leave forks. I sped up losing them after a little while, it was hard to do this but it is something I have to do.

    After about 2 hours I made it to the airport, getting out stepped into the airport heading to the desk to see which flight I wanted. After a little thinking, I signed pulling out my wallet and passport I gave the lady my passport as she spoke softly.

"Where to ma'am?" 

I looked at the screen as I smile softly and cleared my voice from the crying earlier and spoke softly.

"New Orleans."

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