Chapter 29

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Two Weeks Later

Scarlett has always been the life of the party for as long as I've known her. It was intimidating at first– her confidence, I mean. I've never known a girl who was brave enough to get on top of a bar or table and dance, or who had the nerve to speak the exact thoughts that were on her mind whether they were good or bad, nice or mean.

It took me a while to realize that the partying was maybe a bit concerning. We were obviously just teenagers when we met so I was just as down to drink and do drugs for every second of my free time with her, and she made it so fun. I loved the way she kissed me when she was drunk and the way she was always laughing, but at some point, I realized that it was less about having fun for her and more of a coping mechanism. That was when I wasn't sure how to go about handling it, and that hasn't changed even now.

"So how have you two been since you made things official?" Seth asks, attempting to pull me from my thoughts, but I'm still very much focused on the men staring at her ass in her small leather shorts while she bends over the bar to get the attention of the guy making drinks. They can look all they want, but the second they touch or try to talk to her, then I'll have a problem.

"Things were really good, but these last two weeks have been different for some reason," I confess. "Has she mentioned anything to you about, like...anything lately?"

Seth narrows his eyes at me. "I'm gonna need you to be a bit more specific."

I look over to see her speaking enthusiastically with Emma and some random girl with yet another drink in her hand now. "I don't know, she's just been a little more out of control since that situation with Hailey happened."

"Oh fuck, I almost forgot about that," he sips from his beer. "It could have just stirred up some shirt for her, maybe. She's been in a similar situation before."

"Yeah, she told me about that but I don't think that's it."

"Why not?"

"Because we talked about that and she was really brief about it, but not in the sense that she was avoiding the topic. She was fine when we went to bed and when I said goodbye to her the next morning, but it seemed to start later that same day when she called me and asked me to come home from work early."

He frowns as he watches his sister too, seemingly trying to think of what it could be. "I don't know, man. She hasn't talked to me about anything, but she was really happy when she told me that you asked her to be your girlfriend. I guess I haven't seen her every day like you have, though."

"Well, that's the thing," I scoff lightly. "I'm back to not seeing much of her either. She's gone out with the girls from Pleasing four nights this week so far."

"Oh, really?" He raises his brows. "That's aggressive, I guess."

"And when she comes home, she's gone. Completely wasted."

"Have you tried talking to her about it?"

I look over to see her taking a shot of something, and as much as I don't want to be that boyfriend, I think it's time for me to cut her off before she regrets it all tomorrow. "No, but it's gotta happen soon."

As Niall comes back from the bathroom, I look back over at Scarlett to see that group of three guys has made the move to talk to her now. Without saying anything, I stand and cross the room to put a stop to whatever the fuck they think they're going to do with her.

"Oh! This is him," she smiles wide and places her hand on my chest. "I was just talking about you and how you're my beautiful boyfriend."

Now, while she's probably about one sip away from needing to go to the hospital, I'm relieved that she at least told them that she has a boyfriend. That makes me feel better.

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