Chapter 51

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The first time Harry asked me to move in with him, it took everything in me to keep my reaction tame when the idea of living with any man on a permanent basis made me feel like someone might as well be holding my head underwater. As much as I adored him even back then, I just didn't want to be trapped with nowhere else to go if something were to happen between us.

And sure, maybe my anxiety is sparking just a bit as I check my closet to make sure it's completely cleared out, but it doesn't necessarily feel wrong. He was right when he called me out for begging him to get the flat that he did, and that's because I love it and I felt at home as soon as we walked in hand-in-hand to view it together. But the truth is, I could be moving out to beg for change on the side of the road with him and it would feel like home as long as he was with me.

"Scarlett?" Hailey groans from downstairs. "Can we go now? I'm starving and you promised to feed me for helping you clean!"

"Excuse me, but this is an emotional moment!" I call back as I stomp out of the closet. "This was my first flat."

"Congratulations, but you just moved into a nicer flat, so let's go back to it," she ties her long blonde hair up into a messy bun on the top of her head.

My jaw drops in offense as if I wouldn't say something just as insensitive if the roles were reversed. "Where's Harry?"

"He's talking to the moving guys outside–"

Harry walks in just as she finishes speaking, looking around the empty first floor. "Ready to go?"

I throw my arms up and let them slap down by my sides as I drag my feet down the stairs. "Why are you people so insensitive? Does no one understand how bittersweet this is?"

While Harry and Hailey share a look, he's smiling and she has a fed-up expression on her face. "Why don't you go wait in the car and we'll be there in just a couple minutes, alright?"

Rolling her eyes, she takes his keys and leaves us alone. In her absence, Harry comes over to cup my face in his hands, laughing at my pout as I furrow my brows even deeper. Although, I'm struggling not to smile when he kisses my forehead.

"I'm gonna miss this place too," he amuses me and wraps his arms around my shoulders as I turn to lean my back against his chest. "Lots of good memories."

It's not just that, but I don't want to remind him that, along with a place I've loved living, I'm also giving up a massive chunk of my independence by agreeing to move in with him. Obviously we're both aware that I've been living with him in his place already, but now my second option for a home is gone. My emergency escape route has been blocked off.

"I'm excited, though," I softly add, not wanting him to feel as if he's forcing me to do something I don't want to do. "You're gonna have to move your clothes into the guest room closet."

He laughs into my hair. "What about Hailey's stuff?"

"Yeah, she needs to leave," I jokingly say again, but I think we've come to terms that she's not going anywhere now. It's been almost three months of her staying with us and three months of little to no contact with her parents. To be honest, I'm skeptical that they're plotting to come and kidnap her soon.

"This will be a good thing," he reminds me and leaves a kiss on my shoulder. "Not much is changing."

I nod and hold his arms in place around me. "Yeah, but just remember when you start getting annoyed with me that this was your idea."

"I'll remember that," he squeezes me tighter, laughing as I wiggle out of his grip to turn and smack his chest.

"You're supposed to say that you could never get annoyed with me," I fight with very little effort as he brings me back in and kisses my lips.

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