//Akito's Perspective

At stressful times like these, I wonder, what would Ena, or Ken say to me? Keeping their memory close helped to remember that I am not alone. It was up to me to carry on their memories to the world. Even if Saki herself would never be able to notice, I poured my heart and soul into tailoring this dress. In every person that I protect, every art piece I produce, a piece of their souls show through it. As long as I am alive they will never die, and neither will this kingdom. I yawned as I lit a candle.

I worked throughout the night, and stayed up until I was finished. I wanted the dress to be perfect. Yeah, Saki was a brat sometimes, but she was the closest thing to a sister I had of my own. I didn't mind doing this for her. Without thinking about it, I think I was creating a dress that Ena would've loved. It was frilly and colorful. I made sure that in the dark atmosphere of the ball, it would glow. Using scraps of crystal I owned, as well as some of the old gemstones in the original design, I achieved this. I added lots of frills and bows to match Saki's personality. I cut the pieces that had been soiled off and sewed an ombré of colors.

By the time I was finished, it was 19:00 (8 P.M.) I passed out onto my bed after I hung the dress up on my door with a hanger. I woke up in the morning, still feeling tired. I decided not to go on my morning run today, as I wasn't in the mood to deal with whoever was watching me. I got into the shower, got dressed, grabbed my sword, and carefully picked up the dress. I didn't have anything to carry it in, so I would just have to try my best not wrinkle it. I ran on over to the castle, passing through that gate and making my way though the corridors. They had been decorated in pretty colors for the ball.

I made my way through The gold door and Knelt down in front of the king. "I have brought the dress... I was indebted to her highness." I said, hesitantly. The king stood up not saying a word. "Sister! Come here!" He finally yelled. Princess Saki came into the room, and ran toward me. "This is the prettiest dress I've ever seen in my life!" Saki said in shock. She ran over to me and hugged me. "Thank you so much! You just have to tell me where you got it! I need more just like this!" I went silent. "That's not important, just be happy I even brought you a dress." I said crossing my arms. "You meanie!" She laughed, taking the dress back to her room. "I'll need this for the ball tomorrow!" She exclaimed. King Tsukasa seemed impressed.

"Akito! May I have a word with you?" He asked. I was curious as to what he was going to say. "What is it your highness?" I bowed before him. "Please stand." He commanded. I stiffened up like a board. "You are hereby formally invited to accompany me and my sweet sister to the ball!" King Tsukasa said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Huh?" I was in shock. "Do you remember when we were kids? You saved my life in one of our kingdom's hardest wars! Ever since then you've flourished, and have shot your way to the top. You've made a name for yourself, y'know?" The king rambled on.

I smiled. "It is my honor to accept, and serve you, my king." Despite my frustrations with him, he was still kind deep down. He just wasn't good at using his head. That's what I'm here for anyway. He laughed, his usual dramatic laugh. "Now lets show that rival kingdom of ours a thing or two about how we have fun here, huh!?" He said, needlessly posing. He was back to being a dunce. "I look forward to it... Weirdo." I was getting secondhand embarrassment from looking at him. "Hey! I am your king!" He playfully scolded. Akito liked teasing him for once. "Yeah, yeah!" He laughed.

The went by quickly, as I began to feel more relaxed around the castle. I had been working there for my whole life, however it never felt welcoming. This might've been the first time. I helped, along with a few other castle officials, the king finish preparing the castle for our upcoming guests. After we finished everything, I left for the night, leaving my job for the next person. "Take care!" Saki said waving her hand unbelievably fast. I was embarrassed by her actions. "Alright, alright..." I said trying to get out of there. I was secretly happy, because I felt like I had finally been recognized... To some extent.

I left the premises waving to An. "I'm not going to be on duty tomorrow, I am going to the ball." I informed her. "Huh!?" She said scratching her head. "I can't believe you actually agreed to do that... Is that you Akito or a stranger!?" She said playfully putting her hands in a defensive position. Me and An have been friends ever since I met Ken, her father. I chuckled, "Yes it is idiot." I said bonking her in the head, "You left a spot open... Be careful." I said walking away. An smiled. "Yeah, yeah whatever loser!" She teased.

As I walked I felt the same feeling of being watched as many times before. This time it was closer, more threatening. Out of instinct I pulled out my sword and turned around, discovering a woman in a hood. "Wow... I guess you really are sharp." She uttered. Despite the words, her voice sounded far away and disinterested. "What is it you want with me?" I asked narrowing my vision, my blade aimed at her throat. "That's not something I would ever want to tell the likes of you." She said cold heartily, her empty blue eyes shining through the darkness. Then, she disappeared. She probably used the darkness of the night to blend in with atmosphere and escape. "Tch.." I kept my guard up and put my sword away.

I returned home, anticipating the day ahead of me and picking out the best suit I owned. It was one I had made myself, I used warm red tones to match my orange hair, but it was still that of a dark warm grey. It wasn't going to shine like Saki's dress, but it was just as special to me. It's back fabric was a little longer than it's front, creating a cape-like trail. It even had it's own tie and belt. I picked out a pair of black platform shoes and placed the outfit in my bathroom for the morning. After that I crashed and got some well deserved rest.

The next morning, I got ready, leaving my knightly outfit at home. I left early, prepared to help the royal family before the ball started in any way I could. I entered through the gates, and walked down the same hallways as I had done so many times before. However this time I was excited. I didn't want to show it though. That would ruin my professional exterior. I pushed through the golden doors and stumbled upon the king, who had already been dressed. Before he could request anything of me, his sister beat him to it first.

"Hey! Aki~ Could you help me with the lacing of this dress?" The princess hollered. I flinched at the embarrassing nickname. For a moment, I was brought back to a time when Ena would call me that... I cleared my throat. I ran to her side, despite the fact she could've called any actual servant to help her. I was used to this by now. I was utterly disappointed at how she had tangled the laces. How do you mess something so simple up so badly!? I sighed. "Ouch, it's tight!" I pulled a little too hard out of frustration. "Oh, forgive me princess." I said loosening the strings and tying them correctly. She turned around, and the dress was beautiful on her. I took mental notes on how I could improve and change with my next design. "It's so pretty!" She exclaimed, as she began spinning in circles.

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