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I ran through the battle friendly and met up with Toya halfway up the hill. Toya ran to me, and kissed me. His body trembled. Toya coughed up blood. I heard footsteps of the king approach, but I completely blocked him out. "Toya..! I'm so sorry I didn't notice..!" I felt my soul leaving my body as Toya weakly shook his head. "Akito... I don't want... I don't want to leave yet..." He muttered as he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. Even in this situation he made my head spin.

"Toya please..! I can't..." I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Akito, I may have many regrets, but my love for you... Will always remain..." Toya said as I felt him slip through my arms. I looked forward unable to process the situation. I held his body close to mine. "Toya..?" He didn't respond. I quite literally felt the embers of his life fade out as his pale body grew cold. Not him. God please anyone but him..! Why..? I felt agonizing pain develop within my heart.

What sucked about it is I couldn't scream. I couldn't yell. I couldn't cry. I could only watch helplessly as Toya left this world. I felt as if my body had emptied and I could only see the situation from far away. Everyone gathered around us as Toya lied silently. Not a single word had left our lips. It seemed that Fairytales were really just that... Fairytales. There is no marriage, no salvation, no happily ever after. Just guilt, grief and despair.

The End.

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