I escorted the princess to the ballroom, where guests had already began showing up. The king ran over to us. "The dress looks magnificent on you!" He smiled widely. I was relieved we had made it this far without any issues arising. All we had to do now was present a good example. I took a deep breath as the sound of trumpets played. "Everyone please welcome, Princess Mafuyu, of The Kingdom of Dragons!" One of her servants announced grabbing the whole room's attention. The princess of the rival kingdom had entered the room.

She walked around the room with grace. She was the complete opposite of our king. Polite, respectful, seemingly intelligent... "I apologize, my dearest mother couldn't arrive with the sudden schedule change, and so I brought my humble servant to accompany me." She said as she was escorted by him. I recognized her servant! He was the guy from the fabric store! His suit matched him perfectly, I felt like I was going to melt.

He wore a white and grey suit that made his silver eyes shine. I gulped. Saki fawned over him. "What a stud!" She exclaimed. I elbowed her. "Princess, remember your manners." I said as King Tsukasa cleared his throat, nodding his head. "I see, he does seem like quite the match for you dearest sister." He whispered in her ear, forgetting to greet himself. I blinked them both on the head and knelt down to our esteemed guests. "Please excuse his highness, he has been very busy these past few days." I said trying to clean up his mess.

He quickly realized and bowed slightly. "Oh, of course! How could I forget to introduce our lovely guests to mwah." He began to pose dramatically. "I am King Tsukasa, of The Kingdom of Knights! And this is my sweet sister, Princess Saki." He said showing her off like some sort of prize. I physically cringed at the embarrassment. I watched as Saki walked over to the handsome servant that I had met before, and prepared to dance with him. I closed my eyes and headed over to a nearby wall to lean my back against.

I watched over the ball as the nobles danced their hearts away. Who was I kidding, this wasn't a place for someone like me. My eyes eventually caught wind of Princess Mafuyu. Something about her seemed off, I narrowed my eyes. Then I realized her empty blue eyes. My eyes widened in shock. No matter the persona she put on, she couldn't hide her underlying emotions.  I then realized that these people had no intentions of making piece with us. Why else would their princess try to kill me?

Before I could take action I noticed a tap on my shoulder. My brain had been all over the place. I swiftly turned toward its source. It was the hot guy from earlier. "So, that what all of that fabric was used for." He pointed out, shocking me. "Oh... You still remember that." I still had my guard up. I began to walk away to get to the king. "That's some talent you have there, you did in such a short time period, I'm sure that was difficult." He said grabbing my attention. I felt a faint blush fill my cheeks. He noticed my hard work... That didn't happen everyday.

"It's not that big of a deal... I do it all of the time, just takes a little patience." I said scratching the back of my head. The guy shook his head. "No, This dress is so much more than that, I could tell as I danced with her. It was like I was dancing with your soul, I just had to come and see you." He said looking into my eyes. I was captivated by his beauty. I cleared my throat. "I need to..." I felt him grab my hand, shaking it. His eyes glared into my soul. "I'm Toya, and you?" He asked softly. So that was his name... "Uhh. It's Akito" I said, practically shivering. "Why don't we go somewhere quieter to talk?" The guy insisted. I slowly nodded, completely focused on him.

Okay... Fine. Maybe I had a little crush on him. Yeah, I knew it was dumb I barely knew him, however I just couldn't help it. He excited me. This was bad, he clearly knew this. He didn't care about me, he just wanted to take my attention away from his princess. I sighed. I still had a job to do, but... It wasn't like anything bad was going to happen in my absence, right? And technically, I wasn't on duty... I shook my head. I was doomed. He lead me to a nearby balcony.

"So, I take it you work at a boutique?" Toya asked as he leaned his back against the rim of the balcony. I shook my head. "While I enjoy the craft, it doesn't compare to my job as a knight." I said, to his slight frown. "A knight? Why would you be the one making your Princess's dress? Wouldn't that be a professional tailor or..?" He asked curious. I sighed. "Yeah, you'd think so... Despite having the resources to do so, they make me do it anyway." I said crossing my arms. Toya thought for a moment. "How do you feel about your job then? Wouldn't that get frustrating?"

//Toya's Perspective

Toya was nervous. He noticed Akito's suspicion of Mafuyu, so he had to distract him. It was easier than he thought it'd be. Toya just had to buy time until his princess's plan could complete. So, he decided to ask a bunch of questions he already knew the answers to. He had been watching Akito closely for the past few days, after all. "How do you feel about your job then? Wouldn't that get frustrating?" He asked, figuring that Akito hated it. Akito looked surprised.

"... Well It's sort of personal..." Akito muttered to Toya's interest. "Ah, what the hell, I'll tell ya the story, we're going to be allies soon anyways..." Akito said sighing. "Being a knight, as corny as it may sound, is the best thing that ever happened to me... I remember loosing all purpose in life after I lost my sister in war. I thought since she couldn't, I couldn't either." Akito said rubbing his arm for comfort. Toya's expression softened. He didn't understand. The knights had let Akito down as well... How could he be one himself? "Despite this, I met amazing people and they showed me that value of saving others. So, from then on, I have remained dedicated to my craft. I decided I would carry the memories of those I lost in everything I do. Making sure they live on through me." Akito said scratching his head.

Silence filled the atmosphere as Toya began to think. To make sure they live on through you, huh? Toya thought. Toya felt the exact same way, instead his resentment was his mother's salvation. Well, at least in his eyes. "That's noble of you..." Toya said looking emptily to the side. Yet another person brainwashed by this wretched kingdom's philosophies... To trade one life for one deemed more 'important' was preposterous. The whole idea behind the knights was flawed. "Well... What about you..? What do you think of knights?" Akito asked tilting his head. Toya softly smiled. "I despise them." He said bluntly.

//Akito's Perspective

"Huh..?" I felt my body walk forward on its own. "Despise..?" I lifted Toya up by his collar, his facial expression unchanging. I was utter shock. How could someone despise knights? They worked hard everyday to protect those who were powerless, putting their lives on the line! "You..." I let go of him. "Forgive my outburst, but I think this conversation is over." I said walking back into the ballroom."Ah, there you are!" Princess Mafuyu said as she walked toward me. "Will you take this dance, knight?" She asked gracefully. I wasn't in the mood, however the king and the princess were watching. The things I do for them...

"It would be my honor." I said as I took her hand. You could hear the gossip throughout the ballroom. "A princess and a lowly knight!? How shameful..." They said. I wanted to leave. I had no interest in dancing with her. I felt someone's intense gaze, I looked to see it was Toya. My heart skipped a beat. He really had me wrapped around his finger... "Hey, focus on me, won't you?" She insisted, bringing my attention back to her. The two of us elegantly danced through the room. I had to admit she was good at this, however it was no issue for me to catch up. It was kind of boring. Neither of us were having fun, it appeared to be for appearances alone... Or rather...

I paused. It was a distraction. "What's wrong..?" She implored. I looked around until I noticed the king heading toward the punch table. I ran, Princess Mafuyu attempted to hold me back. I broke away and grabbed the knife by the cake table. I then threw it at the glass cup full of punch in the king's hand. "Don't drink that punch!" I yelled as the knife pinned the glass cup into the wall and it shattered everywhere.

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