Chapter 11

340 15 1

February 11th 2023



So Jahzara's mom actually ended up taking her phone but she gave it back to her today, so that's good.

Jahzara wanted to talk to Carmén before Valentines Day.

Jahzara remembered that Carmén came to the cornerstore at 3, so she figured she got home by 2:40.

She was getting ready to facetime the girl now. She just finished cleaning the whole house. That was another part of her extra punishment. She could only go to work and the store if she needed something.

She would've snuck out again to go over Carmén's apartment if she didn't get caught.

Jahzara's pressed Carmén's contact and waited for her to pick up the phone.

"Hola Carmén." Jahzara said happily once she saw the girl on her phone

"Hola." Carmén said back

"¿Acabas de llgar a casa?" Jahzara asked

(You just getting home?)

"Sí, no hace mucho tiempo. La escuela es miserable sin ti." Carmén exclaimed

(Yeah not too long ago. School is miserable without you.)

"Aww. Yo también te extraño." Jahzara said with a bright smile

(I miss you too.)

"No dije que te extrañaba." Carmén said jokingly

(I didn't say I missed you.)

"Básicamente lo hiciste. Sé queblo hiciste." Jahzara said with a smirk

(You basically did. I know you did.)

"Lo que sea. ¿Lo que has estado haciendo?" Carmén asked after she rolled her eyes

(Whatever. So what you been up too?)

"Limpieza. Lamemto no habler hablado contigo. Me atraparon." Jahzara explained

(Cleaning. I'm sorry I haven't talked to you. I got caught.)

"Pensé. ¿Cómo reaccionó tu mamá?" Carmén asked

(I figured. How'd your mom react?)

"Ella dijo que quiere conocerte." Jahzara answered

(She said she wants to meet you.)

"Oh no. ¿Ella lo hace? Esto es terrible. Ella va a pensar que soy una mala influencia." Carmén said, panicking

(She does? This is terrible. She's gonna think I'm a bad influence.)

"Ella dijo algo al respecto." Jahzara said

(She did say something about that.)

"¡No estás ayundando!" Carmén exclaimed

(You're not helping!)

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