Chapter 15 - New Kid

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August 21, 2009

Today is Friday, and everyone has been talking about us getting a new student today. He's in our grade, and I'm excited to meet him.

I was walking towards school with Kaely, her diaper bag, my book bag, and my lunch bag. On my way to school, I stopped at Sara's house. She's eighteen, and she got out of school about a year ago. She decided not to go to college for another year after she got out of school, so she's living on her own now, babysitting some kids. Kaely goes there every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. My aunt and uncle keep her Tuesdays, and Mrs. Smith keeps her Thursdays. 

Kaely is about 10 months old now, and I'm surprised at how the time has gone by. I have her schedule down by now. She eats a lot, but sleeps a lot too. She's getting bigger, but not too big for her carrier. 

"Thank you, again, Sara" I thanked Sara before leaving.

"Chloe, you're welcome. I'm glad to be babysitting Kaely. She is wonderful for me. Now, go to school! You don't want to be late!" She smiled.

"I will. I'll see you this afternoon!"

"Okay, see you then." She waved, then had Kaely wave. It was so cute. I walked to the sidewalk and kept walking to school. The school was a little less than a mile away from my house, and Sara's house was about halfway between my house and the school, so I was halfway there. 

When I got to school, I went to my locker, then to period one. I saw the new kid was in my period one and I stopped. He was so cute. I couldn't wait to talk to him. The teacher, Mr. Collins, announced, "Everyone!! Please sit down! We have a new kid here today, and I would like him to introduce himself"

He stood up and went to the front of the room. He smiled at everyone, and that nearly killed me. His smile lit up the room.

"Hi, I'm Ashton Irwin. I'm fifteen, like most of you, or like most of you will be. I just moved here yesterday, and I'm excited to come to this new school and meet new people!" He giggled, "I've already made a few friends and I'm planning to make a few more" he smirked, then walked back to his seat.

"thank you, Ashton" Mr. Collins told him, then walked to the front of the room and began teaching.


Later at lunch, I sat down at my normal table alone, and began eating. Suddenly, somebody sat beside me. It was Ashton.

"Hey," he smiled.

"Hey.." I said.

"Hey, Ashton, what are you doing sitting with that bitch!? Come sit with us!" Parker Brooks told Ashton as he walked by.

"No, I'm good.. And don't call her a bitch!" He stood up for me.. I liked that.

"What the fuck are they doing, calling you a bitch?" He asked me.

"Everyone calls me that"


"I don't know.." I lied.

"Well I don't like it" he looked down, "I don't like it when people pick on girls, especially guys. It's like some guys think that some girls are worthless. I think they're worth more than everything in the world" he smiled at me, and I smiled back.

"Thank you, Ashton" I said.

"Why are you thanking me?"

"That's just what I wanted to hear, that I'm not worthless"

"You're welcome. And I didn't exactly catch your name.." 

"Chloe, Chloe Elizabeth Walters"

"Well, I'm Ashton, as you may know. Ashton Fletcher Irwin" we smiled at each other. And that is how we met. It was one of best days of my life

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