Chapter 18 - Cousin's Daughter

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A week had passed, and Ashton and I became more towards friends. He still didn't know about my situation at home, though. He didn't know about Kaely. He knew nothing about my personal life, just a few of my favorites and things like that.

It was time for youth again, and this week, I was taking Kaely again. I walked into youth with her, and Ashton came over to me. He saw the carrier and Kaely in it. He asked, "who is this?"

"This is, um, my cousin's little girl. I'm babysitting her, and my parents are going out tonight, so they can't keep her. I just decided to bring her here" I lied about Kaely and about my parents. I felt so bad about lying to him. I just don't want to tell him the truth and lose my only friend from my school.

"Okay," he said and looked down at Kaely, "can I hold her?"

"Um, yeah" I said, then got her out of the carrier. I handed her to Ashton, and she smiled.

"Hi" he smiled at her and giggled.

Kaely tried to say something, but it was just gurgles. Ashton giggled once more. He seemed great with children.

"What's her name?"

"Kaely" I told him, and he smiled.

"That is a beautiful name. How old is she?"

"Ten months, about that. Around ten and a half, maybe"

"She's beautiful" he said, and I looked at Kaely. She was sucking on her fingers, like most babies do. She doesn't do that a lot, and she knows I don't like her doing that.

"Kaely, stop that" I tell her, pulling her fingers out of her mouth.

"Chloe.. Let her, it's fine. Lots of babies do that"

"Her parents don't like it when she does that. I don't know why"

"Oh," he said, and walked into the living room with her.

Piper came over to me and asked, "you told him about Kaely?"

"No, not yet, so don't say anything. He thinks she's my cousin's daughter"

"Okay. I won't say anything" she promised, because she gave me two months to tell him and its only been a week.

I walked over to the couch and sat down next to Ashton who still had Kaely,

"I don't think she's talking yet," I told him because he was trying to get her to say something.

"Oh. I didn't know that. I was trying to get her to say Ash"

"That might not end up well.. She won't put the 'h' on it, even if she would say it"

"Oh my god.. I didn't think of that!" He laughed, and so did I.

Jean came into the room, then put a movie on. Once every other month, we watched a movie instead of the lesson. Tonight was the night we were watching a movie. Ashton was still holding Kaely, and he pulled me closer to him so that I was now leaning on him. He had one arm around Kaely then put his other arm around me. It felt weird, cuddling with him, but I liked it.

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