Wilby's home again...

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TW : swearing, blood, mentions of abuse.

Many years ago, Quackity and Wilbur had dated. It was the best time of both of their lives. Until everything changed. Dream caught Tommy and put him in exile, which Wilbur decided to join him on. Quackity was left behind. He knew this was Tommy's second exile, but he just didn't understand. Why did Wilbur have to look after Tommy? Surely nothing dangerous would hurt him. So why did Wilbur leave? Why did he just leave one day and never return? Only leaving Quackity with some flowers and a note. He promised he was sorry, but Quackity didn't believe that. Why else would he leave?

One morning, Quackity woke up, assuming it would be another normal day of work — of abuse from Schlatt. But no. His life would never be the same again... He just didn't know it yet.

Quackity's eyes flicked open to an empty room. Huh? Schlatt's not here? Usually, Schlatt would wake him up at around 5am and demand Quackity make breakfast. Maybe this was Quackity's lucky day. He hopped out of bed and peaked out of his bedroom door, scanning the rest of the house. Nope. He was 100% not here. Quackity smiled and pulled on his work outfit, strutting away from his house confidently. Today is going to be a good day. Quackity thought, walking towards the bar.

His heart stopped.

Right there, in front of him, was a bleeding unconscious Tommy, and two fighting men. Schlatt and Wilbur. Quackity hid behind a tree, listening into their conversation, not wanting to interfere so he didn't get abused harder that night.

"YOU MOTHER FUCKER! YOU GET AWAY FROM MY GOD DAMN BROTHER, SCHLATT." Wilbur screamed, punching Schlatt in the eye.

"And what if I don't want to?" Schlatt smirked, pulling out an axe.

Quackity's eyes widened in fear. No, no, no. Tommy was hurt and now Wilbur was going to get hurt too. He just couldn't let it happen. Schlatt lifted the axe, about to let it swing, until...

"What the fuck..?" Schlatt muttered as the axe flung away from him. He turned around, bending down, meeting eye to eye with Quackity. "Hello, baby. What's wrong..?" Schlatt asked through gritted teeth, trying to act nice. Wilbur leaned against the wall, his mind clearly all over the place. Baby? Did Schlatt just call MY Quackity, baby?

"Schlatt, please go. I'll come back home later." Quackity said, before whispering in his ear, "I'll deal with him, just please leave."

Schlatt smirked and strode away, far into the distance. Quackity stepped forward, grabbing Wilbur by the collar,

"Now you explain to me, Soot. Why are you here and what do you want from me?!"

"You don't seem happy to see me..." Wilbur mumbled, looking down at his feet.

"No! Why would I be when you left me?! Left me with him! To be abused everyday! And you don't give a fuck, not one! I only told him to leave because I don't want Tommy to get hurt further!" now that, was a half-lie. He didn't want Tommy to get hurt further, yes that was true. But he also didn't want Schlatt to get to Wilbur.

"I understand why you're angry with me, but you don't know the full story, you don't understand what happened." Wilbur muttered, bending down and shaking Tommy, trying to wake him up. Quackity knelt down beside him, checking Tommy's pulse.

"He's fine, just unconscious." Quackity stated, looking into Wilbur's teary eyes. "Then, tell me, Wilbur. Tell me what I've been trying so hard to understand."

Wilbur hesitated, wondering if Quackity was the right person to tell this to. Then he decided, yes. Quackity is trustworthy. He deserves to know,

"Quackity. Dream tortured Tommy during the first exile. When he got sent back, I panicked. I couldn't let Dream hurt him. So instead, I had to let Dream hurt me. Tommy would take care of me and sometimes get beaten too, but it wasn't easy, Quackity. I should've never left you. But if I didn't, Tommy would be dead."

Quackity paused, "What..?"

Wilbur nodded slowly. glancing down at Tommy.

"We escaped, just now. I came back to find you... But now I know you're with someone else. And I want you to know, as long as your happy, I'm okay with that. I'll wait for you, Quackity." Wilbur smiled softly.

"Wilbur, I'm not happy. He hurts me. Abuses me. Wilbur, can you help me escape him?"

Wilbur grabbed a dagger from his pocket, looking at his reflection in the blade, anger filling his eyes.

"Yes, yes I will, Quackity. He should've never done that to you. He should've known I'd deal with him once I returned. That bitch." Wilbur said, Quackity swore he saw Wilbur's eyes glisten red as he spoke.

"I missed you." Quackity whispered.

"I missed you too ducky." he whispered in return, smiling softly, cupping Quackity's face in his hand.


841 words!

A touch starved duck with a touch starved zombie. // Quackbur smut!!Where stories live. Discover now