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"What is that?"

I barely contain a scream. It's a fucking ghost! My shaking hand points at the blue shape that stands at Sarah's feet. The [Madame] sent me to find out what was taking the new girl so long, and of course, it couldn't be something normal - It's always something in this stupid world. Last week, a [Mage] with an itchy wand-finger, this week a god-damned

"It's my familiar - I think," the naked figure of Sarah stands, looking like a deer in headlights before her brows furrow, "Hey! You can't just walk in here without knocking!"

She raises her voice at me as if she hasn't kept the whole Lounge waiting for thirty minutes, and her cat-ghost-thing hisses at me.

I scrunch my face in disgust at the little bastard, "Madame Sable sent me to find you, we have 'guests'," I reply coolly, feeling my annoyance grow with each second.

"Already? I haven't even shower-...bathed or eaten breakfast!"

I can't stand her voice - like a whiney sorority girl who's trying to score some free booze, "Should've done that with everyone else. Two hours ago," my composure slips a little at the end, and I almost spit the words at her before turning and slamming the door behind me. Wait, was she about to say "showered?"

I pause in the hallway for a moment before deciding that I misheard her and make my way back to the lobby. Railan, a wealthy merchant's son, and his crew are still waiting in the lobby and obviously getting antsy. I take my place next to him, linking my arms around one of his just as the other girls do - just as we were told to do by the [Madame]. She turns her calculating gaze towards me and I shiver a little.

"She's coming, [Madame]" I answer her wordless question with the proper manners, even though I let my annoyed tone lace the words. As I do, Sarah comes stomping down the stairs, panting as she stands before the composed, older woman. I had hoped she would look unkempt, hair frazzled and clothes wrinkled - angering the [Madame] with her poor appearance would be repayment for keeping us all waiting. But that's not the case. How does she look so good? She said she hadn't even bathed yet.

"Ah, here she is, gentlemen. Please enjoy your sta-," she pauses, "Sarah, what is that?" I hear the composure leave the head mistress' voice for a moment as everyone's eyes are drawn to the ghostly cat that sits on hits haunches behind Sarah.

"That's her familiar," I say, mimicking Sarah's voice.

"I see, get rid of it, Sarah. You'll be accompanying these two gentlemen, and I don't think they would enjoy your little creature."

Both of them? That's...that's hilarious! You'll regret thinking the rules don't apply to you, new girl. I grin to myself, tugging on Railan's arm - he's a regular of mine, though he's often so drunk that I doubt he knows that. He stands fast, though drunk, he's still too solidly built to be moved by me.

The two men that the [Madame] assigned to Sarah; Tuil and Connor I think their names were, look at each other before they both turn to Railan, their "leader" apparently - they don't seem to be friends, "Wait, we gotta share? That's not fair, Railan!" the two whine.

"I'm paying and this is all they have. You two don't get to complain!" Railan snaps at them before they shrink back a little, seeing that they have no right to argue over a free lunch.

Pathetic. I think to myself, like children begging their daddy for a toy. I take a small amount of pride in haven been chosen by the alpha of this little group - seemingly the only mature man in this group of boys, though they are all well into their twenties. Tugging on Railan's arm again he finally budges and lets me lead him up the stairs to my room.

"Now you look like you're worth the price of this place, unlike those other hags that work here," says the well-dressed man, his erection already pressing against his expensive slacks. I flash a quick, polite smile. He says that every time, he must use that on all the girls. Though, I probably don't do much to help his memory.


[Ability Activated! Hypnotic Lust!]

His smug look relaxes into a dumb, forward-staring gaze as his hands raise to grope me. I let them fall off me as I walk away from him to the bed, the merchant's son trailing close behind. [Hypnotic Lust], one of the better "Abilities" I've gotten after my year of first arriving in this new world, is very useful for more...rowdy clients. It lets me control them to a degree, they are still driven mainly by lust, but still very susceptible to suggestion.

"Not yet, you forgot to pay, remember?" I lie.

"Oh...yes. Here," Railan says in a monotone voice, reaching into his bulging coin purse before dumbly dropping a gold coin on the floor. I let it roll under the bed as I bend over the edge of the mattress, I'll collect it with the other coins at the end of the day. My hand moves to lift up my skirt, revealing myself to the enthralled man.

He moves as if in a trance, undoing his pants before unceremoniously sliding his cock into me. I gasp slightly, even though he put it in with no emotion, it still fills and stretches me until his tip kisses the deepest part of me. It only hurts a little, I rarely see such large men - even in this line of work. I prop my head up on my hands while he has his way with me, Railan's deep, slow thrusts rocking me gently on the bed.

My Ability makes it easier for me to handle more aggressive men, like Railan, who would otherwise toss me around like a dog would his favorite stuffed animal. A girl can enjoy that sometimes, but not every day - besides, the men of this world can be impossibly strong; something to do with this "leveling" that exists here, I've guessed. [Hypnotic Lust] removes any of these men's need to show me how long they can last or how hard they can fuck me - even if it can make it a little boring sometimes, at the end of the day it's just a job.

Ugh, I wish I had my phone right now. Normally, I end up just staring into my sheets or out the window while I let myself be used time after time by random, wealthy men. I must not have had my phone on me when I was brought here - the last thing I can remember is having way too many drinks at whatever frat party I had been invited to that night. I force myself to stop thinking about it, it does nothing except make me homesick, anyway.

Railan's thrusts become deeper, more needing, and they wake me out of my trance. Wait, no don't-! Too late, his hands grip my hips and pull onto his, forcing himself even deeper as his throbbing cock begins to fill me with his hot, thick seed. I moan softly with him as I feel the warmth reach my cervix, that's a lot! I think, feeling him do a few shallow, quick thrusts and his orgasm reaches its end.

God damn it, it takes forever to clean up after they cum inside. I groan, part in annoyance, part in pleasure as he pulls slowly out of me. I stand up, brushing the wrinkles out of my skirt as I feel his semen start to trickle out of me. My eyes meet his, dull and dreamy before I reach inside my mind for a moment:


Railen looks back at me, eyes shining again with consciousness, before looking down and his semi-flaccid cock. He looks at me again, making the obvious connection before grinning, "Definitely worth the money, the Lazuli Lounge never disappoints. Thanks...what's your name again?"

I sigh before saying in a bored tone:

"It's Isabell. I'm glad you enjoyed your stay at the Lazuli Lounge."

The Wandering Whore: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now