The Familiar

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[Courtesan Level 10!]

[Passive Ability Gained! - Durable Orifices!]

[Level 10 Reached! Please Choose a Unique Ability in the Character Menu!]

My eyes flutter open, the bright morning sunlight - suns -light, rather,  creeps through the gap between the curtains. Specks of dust are made visible as they fall through the single ray of light that enters my room, disappearing again as they exit it. I slowly sit up in the bed and stretch, the sound of the sheets rustling seeming so much louder in the stillness of the early morning. The taste of the wine from last night still lingers on my tongue as pleasant memories of the dinner flicker through my waking thoughts.

I stand, placing my bare feet on the cool, wooden floor and squinting as the sunbeam warms my face. The mirror reflects my nude figure and I'm surprised, again, by the well-groomed woman looking back at me: my hair, where normally I would expect it to be frazzled from the bed, is smooth and flowing. While I look as if I've bathed I certainly don't feel like it; it seems that [Elegant Appearance] only goes so far unfortunately.

Ghostly clouds coalesce into text upon the mirror's surface as I step up to it.

Unique Ability?

I think to myself, noticing that I've already become accustomed to that odd yet pleasant voice that occasionally plays in my head, before focusing on the words that have finished forming:

Level 10 Achieved!

Select a Unique Ability from the Following:

- [Threat Detection] -

- [Summon Familiar] -

- [Perfect Aim] -

My finger hovers over each of the listed abilities, but they don't expand to show me any details like I would expect them to. I try pressing on [Threat Detection] and the text dissolves away before being replaced with a new prompt:

You Have Selected: [Threat Detection]

Are You Sure?

Yes | No

Panicked, I quickly press "No" in fear of the choice being made for me before I can consider my options. I breathe in relief as the original text comes back into view. [Perfect Aim] and [Threat Detection] both seem self-explanatory to me - and also not particularly useful to a [Courtesan], leaving the remaining option:

"What the hell is a familiar?" I think aloud.

Wait! That's another thing I've heard when Alex and his friends are playing that game - what the hell was that game called anyway? I recall my awe at Madam Sable's - Genevieve's - Ability that seemingly allows her to conjure things out of thin air. Now that's something I could use.

Shrugging, I decide that I should go with the most interesting option. Tick. Tack. My fingernail clicks against the glass as I make my selection and answer the following question in the affirmative. The text fades away in its dramatic, ghostly fashion before the more familiar words detailing my current Abilities and Equipment appear in their place.

I immediately select [Summon Familiar] out of the list and read the summary that I had expected to see before:

[Summon Familiar] (Active) (Unique!)

...This familiar is a manifestation of the caster's will. 25 MP casting cost. This Unique Ability has no cool-down.

*"*M...P?" I frown.

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