The Chimeraist

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"Didn't mean to startle you, master. Please accept my most sincere apologies," the cat says aloud, not sounding particularly sorry at all. "I'm so gracious for the naming, even if it took...longer than usual. From henceforth, I Florentine, shall be your familiar. Guiding and keeping you until either I am destroyed or fail to protect my master."

I can't help but feel that Florentine has repeated these words more than once, "Thanks...but you're just a cat. I'm just a [Courtesan], it's not like I need any spiritual guidance, let alone protection," I bend over, a napkin that I found on the nearby table in hand, and begin to scoop the scattered mess of my breakfast back onto my plate. "Though I could use some help here."

"Oh, master, you're not the first harlot—err...[Courtesan] I've met. Your like need my help more than you may realize. But yes, I can help with your...mess," the ghostly blue cat raises itself up, chest out and head high, eyes still filled with the perpetually bored look that comes standard with a household feline, and it stays still for a moment. The next moment, a short, provocatively dressed woman with light blue ears and a tail to match, stands before me. The clothes she wears seem to be made to cover just enough of the woman to be considered as being dressed, though the aura of sensuality that appeared around her just as fast as she manifested in front of me says that the lewdness of her appearance is no mistake. I stare, dumbfounded, as she bends over and begins to help clean the mess on the floor, not shy at all about the fact that there is no underwear underneath the short, revealing skirt that she wears. Curiosity combined with the oppressive aura of her sexuality forces me to notice that her, erm...reproductive organs are akin to my own—though colored light blue with the short, soft blue fur that covers the entirety of her body. She's so solid now, any of the previous transparency is now replaced with a fully formed woman, even if she is four-foot tall. And blue. And has cat ears. And a tail...

"Surprised? My appearance is affected by the personality of my master, and you seem to be particularly...promiscuous," Florentine looks down at her outfit, cupping her well-proportioned breasts in her hands and giving them a testing squeeze. "My Abilities will also adapt to better suit your profession. I already have a few that would prove very useful, I think," she hints with a soft purr, giving me a knowing look with those feline eyes whose are pupils strange yet still enticing.

Her gaze sends a shiver through my body, why am I suddenly so wet? Before I can answer the question, Florentine's attention is directed behind me. I turn to follow her gaze, finding a very unimpressed looking [Madame] whose eyes are flicking between me, my mess, and a peculiar-looking cat-girl. She takes a deep breath and I can see her make the decision to not say what she wants to say; instead, she says:

"You're needed at the front with the other girls again. We have a special client, and I think he would be very interested in you and your...friend here," the imposing woman gestures at my familiar, who's standing as if she doesn't have a care in the world. As if she were, well, a cat. Genevieve turns her back to us with a click of her heels, already making her way toward the lobby. Florentine follows and I watch her fluid, relaxed strides for a moment before trailing behind the two women. The sense of anticipation is immediately noticeable as I step into the finely decorated lobby, full of the two dozen or so women - and one Elvish man - of various shapes, sizes, races, and...species. Nisha is speaking animatedly to a young, robed man - handsome, his luxurious green cloak trimmed with shiny black velvet. He seems politely disinterested in the large Gnoll woman, who is animatedly speaking about "...being the [Mage's] favorite," and "...knowing what he likes...", to which the young man gently reprimands her: "Not a [Mage], Nisha, a [Chimeraist], you know better than to call him that by now," he says before turning to face the crowd of women; "ladies, I have come on behalf of Niyhl Boyn to find a suitable candidate to keep him company. You're all well aware of his particular tastes and his generosity to his chosen few-"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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