sparkling light

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it didn't take that much time to arrive by your lovely 'shortcut' (mostly because you didn't travel by foot), the entrance to the place was a welcoming 'do not cross', 'biohazard' and 'condemned' border-lines flashed by a duo of rectangular posts. you grabbed your backpack and reached inside for your 'keys', flat-handle resting easy on your palm as you switched-on a sparkling set of prongs, casually jabbing it against one of the twin machines as it started to shriek with electricity, sparks flied until the lines were nowhere to be seen, revealing a set of stairs leading to the underground.

as soon as you began to step down, a hand grabbed against your shoulder. bunching up the curve of your mass with a painful grip, tight enough that it felt like he was trying to go through your skin and reach bones.  

"let go."  you began to tug his hand away, the hold softened but it did not release, "it's a fraudulent shutdown." you tugged harder.

then, he let go. your body fell, hands waving around frantically, eventually latching around a handrail. you winced against the burning feeling of it sliding against your palm.

you hesitated in showing your back to him as it watched you descend the stairs, firmly gripping the rail just in case the murderous robot changed its mind.

the place used to be an underground metro-station, the public ones where you only needed to swipe your card in the entrance and it'd be 4 real. that was until it was bought by NausFret and promptly shutdown after a 'safety inspection' deemed that the whole place was contaminated with radiation due a leak from one of the power-sources.

the source wasn't even electron-based, or powerful enough to emit enough radiation for it to cause actual problems. hell, prior to it's new owner, safety inspections were always thorough due to the amount of passangers.

but then again, it was never about the people.

"come on," you mockingly patted your thighs at him, "big boy's afraid of going down the stairs? do you want me to leave you there?"

he looked down at you, the melted mask was still fucking creepy.

then, he dropped a foot at the platform, then another. it was a slow process. like a puppy learning to go down the stairs.

"there we go! wasn't so hard wasn't it?"

he gave no reply as he began to make his way towards you. the thump of his shoes echoed against the silent halls.

then, his chest hit your nose. it felt like straight up metal--- right. even with the added 'padding' in the form of silicone skin, it still felt like you were punched in the face, well, mask. the support above your nose pressed painfully hard against your bone.

"fuck!" you winced, doubling over to the side. grabbing the curve where your nose was encased.

you turned to him, your difference in height even more apparent with your curling form. the thought sent you a burn of something that made your eyes glossy and your teeth clench.

it reached out for you, it's body looming forward along with the movement of his hand. you smacked it away, it's movement toward you stopped in the air for a moment, frozen in that hit position near his mask, then went back to his sides.

you watched the weird murderous robot shift back into straight posture but keep it's head still tilted to level with you. creepy. you also straightened, keeping your eyes on him as you watch his head reposition itself to match your movement.

you decided to walk almost sideways, both to watch for any sudden movements from terminator.3 and the path towards your home. your feet rustle patches of grass that grew between the bricks of the train station.

you climb above the card-reading gate, watching the weird android make no move to follow your lead. you sigh, then promptly zap the machine until you saw it's screen turn green. the android pushed the gate forward forward and passed, staring at you the whole time. 

you hope its not sending your manager the entire process you take to get inside your house, crimes included.

right in front of you is a normal train platform, with benches and everything.

you drop down the train tracks, sighing at the drop, you should have made a makeshift bridge, minding the weird bumps in said road as you make your way across and climb it again. you turn to see the robot almost literally scan the gap of the train-tracks before leaning on the balls of his feet and jumping to your side, barely stumbling.

you wince, and begin to ascend the stairs, doing the whole process of leaving the place, zapping machines included.

you stop walking when you hear shouting above you, ducking until the noise stop. you sigh and keep walking until you find yourself in the surface, walking over debris and crouching under pieces of beam-poles. god, you hate how messy turf wars are, granted the path you took is the most safe and direct shorcut but, you're still in the splash-zone, even if you're under the battle.

k9, over there didn't feel the same, crowding your body like an restrictive meatshield... iron shield.

you breathe a sigh of relief when you see a few familiar very 'silhouetted' neon signs, seeing as tour cue to take a left turn in a alleyway, avoiding the twitching bodies on the floor and sending apologetic glances whenever the attempts of nearby workers are suddenly shutdown by the sight of terminator himself.

you push open an ajar metal door, coming face to face with a spiral staircase welded to the plated floor, god it smelt particularly like tetanus today, or maybe it's the fear of getting robot-rabies. 

you climbed the stairs until you became dizzy, stopping once you saw a familiar set of numbers.

you took out your keys (antique, i know) and walked into your cramped three-room 'apartment'.


kinda filler...

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