glitter bomb

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remember the non human gore warning i added in the desc?


"in..." they pushed back their sleeve to reveal their modified wrist, tapping on a screen a couple of times, neon light shining against their face, "approximately one minute and a few seconds, so you better get ready."

you sighed, you'd rub your temples but you think it would smudge your make-up. pushing through your manager as you went through the door of your glorified floating trailer, stepping down the platforming steps as you made your way backstage.

you gave yourself a few more glances in the mirror, then breathed a sigh as you stepped into the stage.

there is a countdown, somewhat muffled through the feverish yelling of your "artist" name. your teeth gritted into a smile.

the curtains are drawn back, you shuffle into a pose, slightly stumbling in your heels at the disorienting lights that flashed at your direction.

they looked like little ants. they made a trail, a crowd, a crusade around the stage, grabbing the raised walls of the platform and banging on the reinforced glass of the enclosure you call the spotlight.

you look like a thing inside an ant farm. something made to be observed, your world being shaken and tapped by prodding, gross, rowdy children.

you're an spectacle. making a clown out of yourself for others enjoyment.

you hate bright lights, specially when they are pointed at you. you hate loud music, but you're forced to sing along to and dance to them.

something is thrown at the protective glass that circles tour stage, whatever it is, it makes a gross sticky pink stain. the transparent surfacd barely budges from tbe force.

you twirl, the hologram machine displays little pixelated hearts around your dancing body to the rhythm of the music, popping into stars in the next drum.

you hear someone yell at you. it's your name, your actual name that you respond to. the one that people who actually know you, use.

you clap your hands along to the beat, they slip and tremble and make a muffled noise.

someone bangs against the wall, barely discernible from the music, but you can tell. you had to learn to observe these patterns.

you scream the last verse of the song passionately. the microphone hidden in your clothes automatically makes it pleasing to the ears. your throat begs for water.

then, another thing is thrown at the glass, whatever it was, it made a giant crack, and whoevef threw it, hsd enough strenght to make such a mark.

your eyes widen. another thing is thrown, it smashes a hole through the glass. it falls to the floor of the stage with a crash and a thud. rolling at your feet and bounxing back slightly.

it blinks with an agape mouth, the silicone skin is teared and the head was dented, dripping a gross pink puddle on the floor.

the thing that was staining the glass wasn't some vandalistic paint. it was fucking android blood.

despite it's damage, you could recognize that i had the same face as you. not your persona, with the lively smooth skin, but your tired human face.

they knew...

what the fuck.

the music is still playing, but you've stopped singing along, if anything, the happy lyrics made you nauseous.

it was about the singer loving their s/o despite their perceived flaws.

there's something inside it's open mouth, jammed between broken teeth, someone grabs your shoulders and whips you around, blocking your view of whatever it was.

but it was too late, you already saw it. it was a timer, counting down to singular digits.

3, he numbers were blocky, like they belonged to a microwave, the thing was built on a budget.

they couldn't bother.

2, your throat tightens itself.

the music is still playing as you're guided towards the exit of the stage by the arm, your feet tripping against eachother in a attempt to catch up with the person.

1, your eyes widen.

your world flies upwards to the ceiling as a hard body tackles you to the ground. shielding you view from a bright light but not your ears.

it's a horrible noise, shaking your core and sending tremors across every surface you lay upon. it's followed by a dull high pitched buzz that dugs inside your eardrums.

your body hurts but you're sure that they person above you has it worse than you considering the fact that they used their entire body to take the brunt of the assault. once your saviour finally leans back from you and you see what is supposed to be their face.

your blood freezes inside its veins.

your body pinned to the floor by a mechanical horror of melting plastic skin and exposed glowing veins.

the dog mask seemed to fuse against the silicone, the side of his face a mix between insect exoskeleton and blank mannequin. rough metal and smooth plastic that made the structure of his face.

the jaw opened, then closed. the body was jittering, you flinched once it got off you in the mean of keeling over to the side with a pathetic thump.

first day on the job and it's already dead. how... comforting.

there's people screaming outside, along with the annoying up and down cadence of emergency vehicles coming to the chaos, along with heavy fluttering and buzzing of an oversized fan.

you black out.


i have no idea how this managed to escalate so quickly into mechanical body-horror/gore.

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